Authors note

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Hi readers. I just want to tell you guys that I appreciate all the support. Sadly, the story is almost over. Also thank you for the loyal readers who didn't stop reading when I wasn't updating for weeks. This was my most successful book so far. hopefully I will get more reads over time after it's completed.

If you guys liked this book I think you would like my new fan-fiction that I started. It's about jack frost from rise of the guardians. I hope it will be as successful as this book. I'm still trying to figure out the name for it so I may not post it till later.

Also I already have another book full of short imagines. you can make a request. I made them for my friends and they all enjoyed them. you can comment on any of the stories and request something. you can tell me what the imagine is about and I can come up with the rest.

Ex: you and your crush at the pool
Ex: date at the skating rink

Anything you can think of, even basic things. I'll try to make it interesting. Go on my profile page to check it out.



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