Chapter 33

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Michelle's POV

I smiled at Peter. "what took you so long?"
He hugged me tightly and I hugged him back with just as much effort. He pulled away suddenly.

"Cynthia is back, with an army"
"clarion can handle her easily"
"No she can't"
"What do you mean 'she can't'" I asked with the same tone of voice he used.

"There's a prophecy that says you are the only one that can stop her."
"I can't stop her. I already tried that before and it obviously didn't work."

"You have to try at least, you're our only hope."

I thought over this for a while. I won't be able to do it alone. I need Clarion's help.

"Where's Clarion?"
"Giving orders, preparing for battle."
"Why is the ground shaking?"
"Clarion put up a protection spell around the fairy territory and they're attacking it."

I looked up and the sky was fading in and out.
"Well we don't have much time. My book!"
"What about your book"
"It should help me figure out how to defeat Cynthia"
"Take me to my room, now!"

I hopped into his arms. he put me down.
"Teleport yourself, I have to go help."

I was about to argue, but he was right. I need to warm up anyway. I teleported to my room successfully. I found my book and skimmed through the whole thing twice.
"I can't find it!" I yelled out in frustration.

I flipped to the back of the book.
"Mom! I need help! how do I defeat Cynthia?"
I stared at the blank page. I shook the book.
"Mom!" Still nothing. I threw the book across the room, angrily.

The book started glowing. It floated up and spinned around rapidly, until it was a glowing ball. It started coming towards me. what the heck is going on. I backed away from it. I backed all the way up into a corner. I couldn't escape. It went to my chest. my heart was beating quickly. My mom gave me something that's going to kill me. That crazy witch.

Suddenly it went inside me. I feel different. I'm not dead so I guess that's a good thing. whatever the glowing thing was it's inside of me, in my heart. I can feel a strong source of power coursing through my body.

Look out Cynthia, because I'm ready.

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