Chapter 2

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The shadow dropped me off on a beach. The sun was high up in the sky, I guess it was around noon. I looked around, there was a forest behind me. I looked out into the ocean. It was a beautiful turquoise. The breeze blew through my hair. This is where I'll be given a new start, a clean slate.

"It's beautiful isn't it?" whispered someone in my ear. I jump "what the?"
He chuckled. I turned around to face him. He look a few years older than me but still a teenager. I backed up. The creep walked towards me.

"Sorry, let me introduce myself. I'm Peter, Peter Pan" he out stretched his hand. I grabbed it "Michelle, Michelle Parker" I told him.

"So why did you decide to come to Neverland?" Why does he want to know? "New start" I said, short and simple.  He nodded his head. He walked up closer to me. I backed up. I don't know this guy and I don't like getting close to people, I'm shy. "I'm not going to hurt you." He flashed me a smile. I loosened up a bit. He's kinda cute. His green eyes were beautiful.

He walked closer to me an I didn't back up this time. "Now let's see those pretty eyes" he said before grabbing my glasses. "Hey! I can't see without those!" I can't see much without my glasses. I have to be at least 3 inches away from something to see it clearly. He laughed "how many fingers am I holding up?"
"I had to squint, three?" I hated when people asked that. I can see their fingers, they're blurry but I can see their seperate fuzzy blobs.

"See you don't need them!" "yes I do I can't see much without them." He started running away into the forrest. Now this is harder than trying to see his dark green clothes against the white sand, now it's his clothes camouflaging with the trees. I tried running after him well I think I was going in the right direction, then I fell. I couldn't tell where I was. I sat down, crossed my legs, and put my head on my hands. I stared at the ground. I'm hopeless.

Then someone covered my eyes from behind. "Now I can't see anything at all," I yelled. I heard a familiar chuckle. "Guess who?" He uncovered my eyes. I turned to look at him. "Peter," I yelled. He just looked back at me grinning. "Stop smiling and give me back my glasses," I fussed. He just raised an eyebrow at me.

Wait a minute. I reached up to my eyes. I didn't feel my glasses, but I could see perfectly fine.

"Wh- what? How did you do that?" "Magic," he said while doing jazz hands. I paused for a moment.
"Thanks. I gotta go, nice meeting you."
I started to walk away.

He caught up beside me. "Where are you going?"
I looked up at him. He was about seven inches taller than me. I know, I'm short. Why is he following me? "I don't know. Somewhere to set up my own camp. I need to stay somewhere." He was quiet for a few minutes. "I have my own camp set up already. If you want, you can stay there." "No, thanks." We walked into a clearing.

I started picking up twigs around the area. I picked up some dead leaves and tried to find some logs for a fire. I looked over at him. He was just sitting there watching me. "Would you like to help?" "No, thanks" he answered in the same tone I gave him earlier. A few minutes later I decided to take a break.

I looked over at him. He smiled. Why is he watching me? I sat down about five feet away from him.
"Why are you just watching me," I asked. "Waiting for you to give up." I rolled my eyes. He chuckled. "Did you already give up?" "No, I'm just taking a break." I stood up. "You could save a lot of time by staying with me and my boys at our camp." he said standing up beside me.

I looked at what I accomplished so far, a pile of twigs and dead leaves. I looked back up at him, then sighed. "So where is this camp of yours?" He smiled.

Peter pan's lost girlWhere stories live. Discover now