Chapter 9

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I tried doing flips in the air.
"You never answered my question."
"Can we go visit the faries?"
"Can we go somewhere else?"
"Why do you want to avoid them?"
"I don't want to avoid them. I just don't want to go there today."
"Can we go tomorrow?"
"The day after tomorrow?"
"Then when can we go?"
He started thinking.
"Stop trying to come up with a lie and tell me the truth." I said snapping him out of his thought. he sighed.
"Well, they kinda despise me."
"Why would they despise you? you're a nice guy."
"Can we not talk about it?"
He mocked me from earlier this morning. I sighed.
"Fine. what about mermaids?"
"Same story."
"So where are we going?"
"I don't know, where do you want to go?"
"To visit some mermaids and fairies but that's not going to happen." I mumbled.
"Excuse me?"
"I said we should go to the beach." I smiled.
"Sure, that's what you said." he said rolling his eyes. I giggled.

I followed him to a section of the beach. he showed me a place where I could change with privacy. I wished for a yellow bikini. no, I'm not trying to look good for pan. I just don't like how a one piece gives me a wedgie when I try moving around in it. plus, this is more comfortable. I walked out of the secluded area. I looked around. where is peter? did he really just abandon me?

Then someone picked me up bridal style. He started walking. "oh my God, why do you always sneak up on me like that. put me down. hello? Peter! Can you not hear me?" Then I was thrown into the air. I must've been really light because he threw me as if I was a dodgeball. I landed in the water. I stood up, I was shivering from the cold water. I looked around. he was gone, again. I am going to kill that boy. I started to walk towards the shore.

Then he wrapped his arms around me so I couldn't walk anymore. i turned around taking his hands off me.
"What the hell is wrong with you? first you push me off a cliff and now you're throwing me around like I'm some rag doll!" I splashed water at him. he started to chuckle.

"It's not funny! you play to damn much!" I pushed him, well tried to. I tried pushing him again. he stood his ground. I tried charging into him like a football player. I knocked him over, but I'm pretty sure he let me. I fell on him, underwater. I opened my eyes, the salty water didn't burn my eyes. maybe it has to do with Peter casting magic on my eyes. I looked around, but I didn't see him. I swear I remember falling on him. I stood up to walk towards the shore again. he grabbed me from behind again.

"How the hell do you keep doing that you sneaky bastard?"
I got away from him and tried running away, but the water slowed me down. I turned around to splash him again. luckily he was actually there. my small splash began a war. A war that Peter ended up winning. By the end of it we were both laughing. we walked towards the beach. I felt like a shriveled up raisin.

We laid down on the warm sand from exhausion. he laid one way and I laid the other with our heads beside each other. We both stared up at the sky, it was clear with a few clouds here and there.
"I like hanging out with you." he said breaking the silence.
"I like hanging out with you too."
He smiled.
"It's nice to finally have a friend to hang with. even though they piss you off sometimes."
"You still had fun didn't you?" he asked.
i rolled my eyes.
"Yeah, I guess."
He raised an eyebrow and turned to look at me."you guess?" I looked back at him, he was upside down from my perspective.

Then suddenly Peter straddled me and started tickling. I was laughing very hard, gasping for air.
"Stop.... please!"
"Are you having fun now?"
"Im...not...sure...this is... torture." I said when I could manage to breathe.
"Admit you're having fun."
I said nothing for the next thirty seconds before I gave in.
"Okay! okay!... I'm fun!"

He stopped tickling and got off me. I was still laughing. "owwwww."
he started laughing at me.
"Stop laughing." he advised me.
"I'm trying." I took deep breaths and my laughs eventually stopped.
"What do you want to do now?"
"Ugh, I want to something."
"Well I'm tired, you can bury my under the sand."
"Fine" he started piling sand onto me. he was careful not to get any on my face. I closed my eyes and felt the sun shining on my face. I was relaxed.
"Hey, what happened to your arm?"
I had to think of something quick.
"Hm?" I asked opening my eyes to look at him.
"What happened to your arm?"
"Oh, I have a cat."
"Oh cool, what kind?"
"Uh, Persian."
"What was her name."
"Ms. fluffikins"
I was surprised of how fast I was coming up with these lies. He grabbed my wrist.
"Here, let me heal you"
He let go of my wrist. I observed it, it was if I never cut myself. I didn't like lying to him,but I was not about to tell him the truth.

Peter pan's lost girlWhere stories live. Discover now