Chapter 21

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I was on my way towards the camp. how should I get revenge? How is he suppose to hide me from Cynthia to prevent each other from finding out? Well Cynthia from finding out? Is he just going to just tell her he has something to do. now that I think about it, what was he doing when he left me alone the first two days.

I was finally at the camp. Time to put my acting skills to the test. I ran up behind him trying to hop on his back in a surprise. Suddenly the breath was knocked out of me and I was on the ground. I stare up at the sky in shock. what just happenned?

Then Peter was hovering over me with a look of concern.
"oh my god, I am so sorry"
I was speechless, he just body slammed me.

"I'm so sorry, are you okay?"
"Yeah" I say, finally waking up from the temporarily paralyzed moment I just had. I sat up.

"What was that?"
"It was an instinct"
"Well I know not to do that again" I said rubbing my neck and standing up.

He hugged me and I hugged him back.
"I haven't seen you all week"

And I saw you yesterday kissing that hoe.

Once he broke the hug he intertwined our fingers. He started to lead me into the forrest.

"Where are we going?"
"No where specific"
"Well then can I lead?"

I was surprised by his answer. I started walking in the direction of Cynthia's tent. He wasn't nervous at all. Why isn't he nervous?

I was in the area. I could've sworn that her tent was right there but now it's not. Does he know that I know? Did he take precautions? Where is Cynthia?

"Where do you live?"
He looked at me weirdly.
I nudged him.
"I know that, I mean where do you stay, where do you sleep?"
"You want to see my treehouse?"
"You live in a treehouse?"

I asked trying to sound as if I had no clue.

"Yeah" he said flying up and pulling me with him towards his treehouse. When we got there I had to pretend that everything was new to me. my eyes wandered all around the house. everything looked different with the sun pouring in through the window.

I nodded my head in approval.
"It's nice"
"Thank you" he said smiling.

Once we were in his room I walked over to the desk. I examined the drawings. I went through the stack.

"You drew these?"
He walked over, I could feel his body heat radiating off him onto my back. he looked over my shoulder.

I looked at the wall in front of me and at the picture I drew.
"You kept it?"
I looked up at him. he smiled shyly and nodded his head.
"You're really good, can you draw me another?"
I smiled up at him. "yeah"

He sat on the bed leaning against the headboard. I sat between his legs and leaned back against his chest. he had his arms wrapped around me while I started drawing the beach. I used my photographic memory to picture the scene. By the time I was done Peter was asleep and it was almost sunset.

I looked up at him, reached and kissed him on the lips. Eventually he started to kiss back. I broke away biting my lip. He blushed looking at me.

"It's time for me to go" I say in a low voice.

Next thing I know he has me in a bear hug pinning me down to the bed.

"Get off of me"
"Don't leave me" he whined.
"But I have to go" I chuckled.
"But it's the weekend"
"I still have chores"

I lied, I just want to find out where Cynthia is.

He made a whining noise.
"I'll be back tomorrow"
He rolled off me.

"Walk me home?"

He walked me to the border. Once I disappeared into the trees in the fairy territory I turned invisible and followed peter. He was walking but not towards the camp, but somewhere else.

We finally got to his destination. I looked up, three cages. He made a plate of food appear in his hand. He lifted a small opening in the cage and slid the plate in.

Who's in there? Who is he feeding? Why are they in there?

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