Chapter 18

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Michelle's POV

I stared at them, I stayed invisible. Those days he wasn't responding, it wasn't because of a bad connection, he was ignoring them. My first boyfriend, cheats on me. The person that gave me hope of loving again without getting hurt. My eyes became blurry. Why am I crying? I should've known this would have happen.

No one loves you, no one ever will. Now that I know the rules of this game, I want to play. I'll pretend I don't know. I trusted him, but not anymore. I know it's a game. I'll be the first girl to put him in his place. The one that will make sure he will never do it again.

Why am I plotting revenge on him? Maybe he's playing her. Maybe I'm the one he really cares about. They were laughing. That should be me. Who the hell is this girl? I shouldn't get angry over a guy. I'm too good for him. I sucked up my tears or they would hear me. I'll just cry later, but not now.

She had blonde hair, she was about three inches shorter than him. She was taller than me. I teleported closer to get a better look. I was careful to make sure they don't notice the shift in the sand I was standing on.

"You're beautiful"
She giggled like an idiot. I won't believe the lies coming out his mouth anymore. I teleported closer, standing right beside them. My stupid soon to be ex didn't even notice. I looked at the girl. Cynthia? I crossed my arms and looked at Peter. Really peter? you can do so much better. you cheated on me with that?

I shook my head and chuckled silently. I guess they have one thing in common, being a butt hole.

They were talking but I was too busy thinking to myself. My mom said I should beware of her? Taking my boyfriend away from me? I don't care. It's just a boy. She's not a threat, she can't hurt me here. She's alone, I have powers now. She wouldn't dare mess with me.

Her eyes flickered over at me then back at Peter. wait, she can't see me. she must've been looking at the forrest behind me. there's no way she would know I'm standing here.

I'm still surprised Peter haven't noticed my presence, I thought he was powerful. maybe I'm more powerful. I doubt it.

Does he think I'm stupid? did he really think I wouldn't find out? I messaged him.

'Woah you actually responded'
'Yeah, sorry I've been busy lately'
'Doing what?'
'Taking care of the lost boys'
'Oh, it's cool. so what are you doing now?'

He and Cynthia walked towards the water. Cynthia took off her towel dress. then Peter finally responded.

'Fixing up one of our treehouses, one of the windows cracked and drafts keep coming in. What about you?'

I can't believe he really just lied to me. I need to get even, get revenge. if he cared about me he would've told me the truth.

'Struggling with all this homework'
'Ok, I'll stop distracting you. see you this weekend.'

They got in the water. Cynthia was shivering from its coldness. I walked closer to them to get a better view. Peter started swimming around, so did Cynthia. she swam out further then stood up. Peter stood next to her. the water was up to Cynthia's shoulders.

They were laughing then stared into each other's eyes. That's when I moved a big wave and made it crash on them. They went under water. They both got up, Cynthia was laughing. Then I made another wave crash onto her, she went under water. This time when she stood up she tried to move towards the more shallow water.

Nope, I won't allow it. I made the water under her move with a force that made her trip and when she was underwater. I pulled her out further from the shore. I circulated the wave making her do flips. Then I let her come up for breath. Then I put her back under. I made her stay underwater for 30 seconds then I let her come up. she was gasping for air. she started walking towards the shore.

When the water was at her waist, I drowned her again and pulled her out from the shore. Then I made the water shift so greatly that her top came off. She stood up, the water was up to her shoulders and her face was so red. I tried hard not to laugh.

"Are you okay?"

Peter asked walking towards her.
"Don't come near me"

He looked concerned and confused.
"Why not?"

She couldn't even tell him. She wished for a new top and ducked underwater. I guess she was putting it on. Then she stood up and tried getting to the shore as fast as she could. I let her this time.

"Is that a new top?"
"Shut up"

She said drying off. She was mad. I enjoyed it. How long should I continue with this revenge thing? I'm not sure, but it's going to be a lot of fun for me.

I followed them all the way back to camp. I was careful not to step on a stick. I kept my breathing quiet. I had to cough so I suffocated trying to keep it in. I let them get ahead of me then I drunk some water, hoping that would help, it didn't. My throat was burning really badly so I just coughed. I looked ahead to see if they noticed, they didn't.

I swear they are really dumb. I teleported right behind them. We walked into the camp's clearing. I stalked them all day. Stalking is okay if your boyfriend is cheating on you, right? I don't care, no one is judging me.

It sun had set, Cynthia went to bathe, I stayed with Peter. He sat on a log by the fire. I sat on a log across from him. I stared at him. He was thinking about something. He's so cute. Why would he do this to me?

'Done with your homework?'

He messaged me. I didn't expect that.

'Yeah, whatcha doing?'

He smiled, shyly. Why is he smiling? Is he happy that I'm talking to him?

'Thinking about you'

I'm not sure if I should believe him or not.
'Me too'
'I miss you'

I used to miss you. Now I'm not sure.

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