Chapter 19

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Michelle's POV


I turned around to see Cynthia. She walked over and sat on the log next to Peter. She sat close to him. She shifted so that her arm and legs were touching his. Anger boiled inside of me.

Peter scooted over. Which surprised me, he didn't do that to me when I sat close to him. I didn't get my hopes up though. He stared at the fire. I could tell he was thinking.

"What are you doing?"
"I know it's something, tell me"

Cynthia pressured him to tell her. I wanted to know too.

"I said nothing"
She shrugged her shoulders. She looked up.

"Look at the stars, aren't they pretty?"
Peter looked up.

"Yeah" then looked back down.
What's wrong with him? Why isn't he calling her pretty? Maybe he uses different approaches on different girls.

Cynthia looked at him weirdly.

"What's wrong with you?"

He wasn't fooling anyone. He is obviously upset about something. Then Cynthia hugged him tightly. He flinched, but didn't hug her back.

"I know that something's wrong with you. Don't worry, it'll get better."

She broke away and smiled at him.
"Thanks" he said.

Then she kissed him on the cheek. "Goodnight"
She stood up and walked to her tent. I followed right behind her. I know she did not just do that. I wanted to grab her by her hair that has grown back and yank her to the ground and beat the crap out of her.

I stayed calm and followed her. I stood there waiting for her to fall asleep. Once she was asleep I aimed my hand towards her head.

This is one of the lessons we learned in class. I can give people dreams, but they can control their self in it. Whatever I make up, she will see. She decides how she will handle the situation.

I imagined a scene on Neverland.

She was on the beach at night. She decided to go into the Forrest to go back to camp. She was alone. It was dark. The moon shone between the leaves on the trees. There was a scream then the roar of a beast. Then the screaming stopped.

Like I planned, Cynthia instantly thought that the person was killed by the beast. Her heart was beating fast. Her breathing pattern sped up.

She tried flying away, but I kept her on the ground. I made her stay in place which made her even more nervous. Then she heard footsteps walking towards her. She turned around. The creature was behind the bushes.

All she could see is it's glowing yellow eyes. It started to growl. She started backing up away from it. The animal exposed itself.

It had the body of a dog, claws as big as a tiger's. It had sharp, white teeth. It's head was shaped like a dog's. It eyes glowed yellow with red irises. It was bigger than her. It's entire body was covered in what looks like armor plates. It's tail was like a mini wrecking ball with spikes hanging off a leather whip.

Cynthia was running quickly. The beast wasn't far behind. She was breathing quickly. She was screaming help over and over again. She was calling Peter, I didn't want him to save her so he didn't come.

It's probably wrong for me to be scaring her like this, but I'm practicing. Practice makes perfect and I think I'm pretty darn good at it.

I made a tree root pop in front of her. She fell on her leg hard. She couldn't get up. The beast approached her slowly, as her anxiety build. The beast hovered over her. She was still yelling for Peter to save her.

My favorite part, when the beast kills her doesn't happen because she wakes up too soon. She sits straight up screaming at a high pitched voice. I bet even the fairies heard her on the other side of the island.

Peter was the first one in the tent. Some other lost boys came to check on her, but once they saw that Pan was taking care of it they left.

"You okay?" He asked her.
"I am now" she smiled at him.

I rolled my eyes.
"Okay, well goodnight"
He started to walk towards the exit but she grabbed his hand.

"Can you stay with me tonight?"

He hesitated. Looking at her then back at the exit. He pulled up a chair next to her bed.

"I'll just stay until you fall asleep"

I smiled, she just got rejected.

She went back to sleep, I didn't bother her. Peter left the tent and I followed him. He flew into his treehouse. I never been in there so why not? I flew right in behind him.

I looked around the room. I floated so he cant hear my footsteps. I followed him to what looked like his room.

He had a bed, a night stand, and a desk. He laid down on his back. He stared up at the ceiling. I floated over to his desk. He had a bunch of papers on it.

I looked on the wall and saw the picture that I drew of him. He actually kept it. I looked at the other papers that were sitting on the desk, I didn't touch anything though. Did he draw these? I looked at the signature, Peter Pan.

I saw a picture of a tree, the tree he took me too, a picture a bird, a view of the ocean. Then my eyes stopped at a picture. I was a picture of a girl. She was laughing. Then he had another picture of her doing archery. She was doing it wrong though. She had the bow facing the wrong way, like how I did...

Then I realized that was me in the picture. I looked over at Peter. He was asleep already. I went over to get a better look.

I messaged him.

He smiled in his sleep. I couldn't helped it, I smiled back. Then I teleported to my room. I was glad to see that my decoy worked and Clarion didn't find out that I left. I looked at time.

It was late, but it's okay. Unlike school at the orphanage, I don't have to wake up as early and the hours spent there isn't as long.

I laid down and wondered how long Peter was going to keep this up.

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