Chapter 12

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Michelle's POV

My hand started to cramp up. I shook it out. I yawned and looked out the hole in the tree that I came in through. It was noon-ish. I looked back at my picture. At this rate I should be done by tonight.


It was sunset when I finished the picture. I admired my work. it looked so realistic. I did a really good job with the shading. how should I give it to him? I thought for five minutes when I though of the perfect solution. I put the picture off to the side for now.

I reached into my bag and took out my book about neverland. I flipped through the pages. I stopped at the last page, the one that was normally blank. it wasn't blank any more. it was a letter. I read it slowly word by word soaking in every detail.

Dear Michelle,
I know you've been through a lot. Those times when you felt alone I was there. I have always been there. Im always watching over you. okay let me get straight to the point.

Have you ever wondered why your eyes would glow to a gold color sometimes? you have magic in you. I was a witch, which means you are one too. This message was activated when it came in contact with some magic.


I stopped reading. 'in contact with magic.' the fairy dust must've activated the note.


Now that you know you have powers, you should learn how to use them. on the island, Neverland there is a good friend of mine. Look for a fairy named queen Clarion, she can teach you how to use your powers for good. you have the choice between good or dark magic. I hope you choose the right path.

Love, Mom


This couldn't be all that's left. I flipped the page over, the page was blank. It was nice to know that my mom is watching over me. that means she knows my secret. I looked at my wrist. I smiled, I petted my butterfly.

This entire time I thought I was alone, but she was watching over me. all the pain I went through, she was there. My mom is a witch... I'm a witch. this is awesome. She left me, but not her spirit.

I still felt lonely. she isn't physically here to comfort me. All the pain I went through when I lost her and dad, then tommy. I can go through it again. I won't allow myself to love again. never. especially some boy that doesn't care about me.

'I actually do care.' echoed through my head. no you dont. no one cares about me. except my mom. where's my dad? did he care enough to watch over me too? I didn't need to get stressed even more.i looked back at the page. the words changed.

'Remember that everything happens for a reason and that your past makes you who you are, don't run away from it.'
I smiled. The words changed again.

'And stop trying to run away from love. it will bring you happiness.'
I frowned.
"They'll leave me eventually."
'then enjoy it while you can'

I closed the book.

Late into the night I got out the tree. I stretched alittle. I flew up higher into the sky I looked around, I saw the tallest tree on the island. it stuck up higher than all the other trees around it. I tied a bright colored piece of fabric around the tree I was staying in, so I can find it later.

I packed all my stuff in my bag to bring with me. Just in case someone finds it and steals it or if pan or any of the lost boys find it then they'll find out where I've been hiding all day. I put on the bag and flew silently to the tree. I put a small piece of tape on the paper and stuck it to the tree trunk near the branch where Peter and I would sit.

I looked over at a beach area. it wasn't where Peter took me so I should be safe from seeing him. I landed onto the soft sand. I looked around before getting undressed. I waded through the cool water. I made a towel and soap appear and started to bathe.

My heart sped up at the sudden outburst. I turned to look at who said it. it was a girl that looked around my age. I tried covering up my chest.

"Um, hi"
She giggled.
"Don't worry, we have the same parts, well sorta."
She said flipping her tail up.

"Y-you're a mermaid?"
"Yeah" she sad smiling.
"Hey, why don't you come over here?"

She seemed friendly. why not? I wadded over towards her.

"What's your name?"
"Michelle, you?"
"Thanks" she said smiling.

Something was off about her. why is she so happy? there's nothing wrong with being happy, but I have this bad feeling. I felt the water shift below me. must've been a wave.

"It was nice meeting you, Marie. I gotta go."
"Why? you should stay. we could talk and stuff."
"We can talk I just want to get out the water."
The water shifted again. I don't think we're alone.
"What's wrong with the water?"
I thought of a quick lie.
"I'll get all prune-y"
"Who are you trying to look good for?"
"No one."
The water shifted again. I started backing up towards the shore. I kept my eyes alert. I looked back from her to the water.

"You scared?"
I gulped "yes"
"Of the waves?"
I sped up my pace. Then something grabbed my legs and pulled me towards the deeper water.
I managed to yell before I was pulled under water. I looked there were other mermaids. I tried kicking and managed to get above the water again.
"Help!" I gasped for air then I was pulled down again. I used all my energy to get up one more time.
"Help me!" I was dragged under water again. I looked up from under the water. I could see the wishing star. I closed my eyes.

'Please help me.'
I said I'm my head. then all of a sudden the mermaids were screaming. they started to let go of me and swam away quickly. I swam towards the shore. I was choking, gasping for air. I looked up to see what the mermaids were swimming away from.

She was a beautiful fairy with a white gown. she glowed with a golden aurora.

"Who, who are you?"
"I am queen Clarion"


Hey readers. thank you for all the reads! can you guys comment or star the chapters you like to tell me if I'm doing good with the book? that would be greatly appreciated.


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