Chapter 26

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I busted out laughing.

"What's so funny?"
She asked, annoyed.

"We're not related"
"Yes, we are"
"You're a bad liar"
"I'm not lying, you stupid little girl."
"Do I really have to point this out?"
"Point what out?"

I stood up.
"I'm black and you're obviously white."

"Don't you know anything about your history?"
"Not really" I answered her.

She shook her head.

"I'm going to make this simple for your small brain."
"My brain is normal sized, thank you very much"

She rolled her eyes and continued.
"Melinda and I are half sisters. we share the same dad, he was white. my mother was also white, so I'm white"

I nodded my head understanding.
She continued.

"Your mother's mom, well your grandmother was black. your mom is black. understand?"
"Duh, I'm not stupid"
"I disagree"

I glared up at her, she ignored it though.

"My mom died giving birth to me. My dad eventually moved on, falling in love with your grandmother. They had a child, your mom. He treated your mom like she was a princess. He treated me like I was trash, he blamed me for my mother's death."

"I'm sorry"
"Your mother was so perfect. she was the prettiest girl in, what you call today, school. she was daddy's little girl. she believed in happy endings and true love. It was her dream to travel all the different worlds. That's how she ended up visiting Neverland."

"Did she know Peter?" I asked.
"Honey, this was way before he took over half the island. She made her own family here. She left her own family to make a new one. She didn't appreciate what she had so she left. My dad missed her. I ran away but, he didn't care enough to look for me. She had so much more than me and she just threw it away."

"So you're jealous of her?"

With the wave of her hand she slapped me.

"She traveled different realms like she wanted, eventually finding her true love"

"Awe!" I said smiling to myself.
"Shut up! it's not cute!"
"Mad or nah?"

I probably should've held my tongue, but I couldn't miss the opportunity to say that. She threw me back against the tree, again. I just sat there, trying to cope with the pain.

"You may be too young to remember, but do you remember that cold rainy day. You were just leaving the skating rink for your sixth birthday party, going home. Remember that red car?"

"You read about it in the news article?" I asked her.

"Wake up! wake up! stop sleeping! you can sleep at home!" She mimicked a little girl's voice then laughed.

"You were there" I said trying to comprehend.

She giggled. "I was driving the car that killed them"

At first I couldn't comprehend what I just heard, but now I'm on my feet walking towards her, ready to start swinging. I threw myself at her. I started off, punching her, but she flipped us over and was punching me.

I threw her against a tree with my telekinesis. She stood back up like it didn't effect her. I started throwing fireballs at her. She blocked off most of them, except one that grazed her arm.

She killed the two most important people in my life out of selfishness. I want to hurt her. Ten years at the orphanage because of her. ten years of suffering because of her. me starting to harm myself because of her. I lost my boyfriend because of her. She's the source of my problems.

"I bet you had something to do with tommy leaving the orphanage too"

She laughed. "you really haven't figured it out yet? you're really are dumb. Thomas is Tommy."

Tommy, my first best friend, my only friend at the orphanage. He stood up for me when this bitch made fun of me. Then he was "adopted"and left me alone. How could I be so stupid? How could I forget him. Did he know it was me this entire time?

"Why are you trying to make my life worst?"
"Because I want to destroy your mom's happiness"
"She's dead. Isn't that enough?"

She raised me up by my neck. I can feel pressure from her choking me in my eyes. My eyes started to water.

"You should've died in the car accident, but she put a protection spell on you."

I could hardly breathe so I couldn't ask her what I wanted. Did my mom know that Cynthia tried to kill her that day? why didn't she stop it?

I couldn't see myself, but I bet my face was starting to turn purple. I looked up at the cloud covered sky. Then I came up with an idea. I struck Cynthia with lightning. she dropped me and I gasped for air.

I regained myself quickly. I struck her with another lightning bolt. she tried getting up again.

"This is for my dad."

I picked her up and slammed her back on the ground.

"This is for the people you've hurt to get what you want."

I choked her while raising her up and slammed her against three trees. I tried to steady my breathing.

"And this is for my mother!"
I blasted her with my powers. by the way she was yelling, it hurt way worse than the lightning. I kept blasting her as I walked closer to her. If I continue I can kill her, right here, right now.

I looked up to see Peter. I looked back down focused on killing her.

"Don't do this! you're better than this!"

I don't like listening to people I'm mad at and he's no exception. Even though I'm trying to rebel, part of me wanted to forgive him.


I dropped my hands. I felt weak, I was hurting inside. I want to cry, in his arms. I always feel safe with him. He's the reason I'm hurting though. I feel conflicted. I don't want him to just get away with breaking my heart.

I looked at him.
"Peter" I whispered.

Then there was a sudden pain in my side. I collapsed the ground. I grabbed my side. My hands felt wet. I looked down to see my hands were covered in blood. There was a knife stuck in my side.

I looked over at Cynthia, she was smiling wickedly. She slowly closed her eyes, finally dying. I shouldn't be far behind her.

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