Chapter 15

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I pinned her to a tree. I interrogated her and received the answers I wanted to know. I told her I love her, but she accused me of lying. I wasn't lying.

Then she told me that she heard about the bad things that I've done in the past. I knew she would find out eventually. I don't want her to judge me from the past, but I understand why she would. I am a monster.

Ill try to be well behaved, but how can I explain and get through to her?


"And then I flashed back to my room."

I finished telling aunty Lauren what happened yesterday. I started to call her my aunt, the fairies are starting to become my family. I care about them, I love them. I'm proud of myself. I'm making an effort to love again and it feels great to be loved back in return. I even started to call clarion, mom.

It's like they're the same person. they act just the same. their smiles, laughs, everything. I've only been with them for a week but it feels like I've been here for months. I mean time does stand still here.

"So what are you confused about, sweetie?"
"I think I like him, but I've heard these terrible stories about him, he's a monster."
"So are you not sure if you should like him or not?"
"No, I know I shouldn't like him, but I can't get over him."

She took a moment to think.

"Okay I think the issue is you didn't hear his side of the story, you didn't let him explain."
"I don't want to talk to him."
"Why do you have to be so difficult? at least give him a chance."
"Have you heard of the things he's done?"

"He could be deceiving me and use me to get whatever he wants. then when he's done with me he would kill me."
"So you're taking precautions because you don't want to be heart broken?"

I nodded my head.
"I don't want to waste my time on anyone who's just playing me."
Lauren got off her bed and opened a drawer. she pulled out a silver heart shaped necklace. she handed it to me.

"Thank you. what is this for?"
"To help you find your true love. so you won't be wasting your time on any guy. here let me help you."

I turned around and let her put my necklace on for me. when it snapped, I admired it. it was pretty. It was solid silver heart. I looked at it more closely, it looked familiar.

"This looks familiar."
"It was your mom's"
"She used it to find your dad."

That made me smile. they were perfect for each other. hopefully this thing would find me a match just as good.

"Wait how is it here?"
"She sent it back once she found her true love."
"How will I find him?"
"The necklace will glow when you know"
"wait, what?"

"The necklace won't just glow until you actually fall in love"
"That doesn't mean he'll love me back"
"Hope that he loves you back."

"Why can't it just tell me who is my true love instead of me falling in love, get heart broken and move on to the next?"
"Life isn't that simple, if the necklace told you straight forward then you would feel pressured to love them. that would result in a bad relationship."

"But isn't there a lot of different worlds to search?"
"True love will always find eachother."
"What if I don't have a true love?"
"Everyone has a true love"
"Where's yours?"
"He died years ago."
"Oh, I'm sorry"
"Why are you sorry? you're not the reason he died."
"I'm sorry that happened to you."
"Don't be, it made me the way I am now and I'm happy."

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