Chapter 22

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It was the next day and I was at Pan's camp, still no sign of Cynthia. Was she the person in the cage from last night?


I looked up.

"Come on we're about to play a game"

I followed Peter towards the lost boys.

"Boys, we're about to play a game."

He had two sticks in his hand.

"First up, John and Thomas"

Thomas is smaller than me. John was slightly bigger than me. He handed both of them a stick. They got in ready stance.

Then Pan shouted "begin"

Then both boys started to bang sticks against each other. Then I realized they were pretending it was swords. I winced when a stick hit Thomas across his face. His face was scratched up but he continued fighting. This fight isn't fair, John is obviously bigger. Then the stick hit Thomas again harder. He paused to rub his head. That's when John took the opportunity to hit him again. The next blow sent him falling to the ground.

John dropped the stick, got on top of Thomas, and started punching him. It reminded me of when I was getting beat up by Cynthia and her friends.

"Stop, you're hurting him!" I yelled.

He didn't stop.

"They only listen to me." said Pan.
"Tell them to stop!"
"Why not? He's getting hurt!"
"No pain, no gain"

I gave him a scowling look. I looked back at the Thomas, he was bleeding. I stepped in trying to break it up. He continued. No one ever tried to stop Cynthia from beating me up. I'm not going to stand here and watch like everyone else did with me.

"Stop it, now!"

Then John punched me across my face. Oh hell no! I pushed John off of him with all of my strength and started to beat the shit out of him. I didn't care who was watching. I don't care what they think. I started to punch him while I yell at him.

"The next time I tell you to stop, you better stop"
"Michelle, get off of him!"
"He didn't want to stop, so he didnt. I don't want to stop, so I won't." I barked back at Peter. I continued hitting him.

Some of the lost boys tried pulling me off of him, but I wouldn't budge. I punched them hard, so they wouldn't bother me anymore. They stopped trying. I was still hitting John.

"Michelle" I heard a sweet voice call my name... Thomas. I felt weak. I got off of John. I looked at Thomas. His lip was busted and his scrape turned into a cut. His face was starting to bruise up. I started crying and hugged him close.

I'm suppose to be a role model for him, an older sister. Letting your anger out on someone isn't good. I just wanted to protect him. I hope he understands.

"I'm sorry" I whispered in his ear.
He started rubbing my back.
"I know, you were just trying to protect me"

I broke away and smiled at him.
"Let's go get you cleaned up"

I looked at the lost boys, they were staring at me with stunned faces.

"Who the hell are you staring at? You want to fight me too?"

I yelled at them. Their eyes darted to the ground. They're scared of me? I shrugged. Maybe, that's a good thing.

I started to take him towards fairy territory.

I turned around to face Peter. I crossed my arms and rolled my eyes.

"Where are you going?"
"Why are you taking Thomas with you?"
"So he can heal, duh"
"He can stay here and heal"
"I'll bring him back"

I turned around to continue walking, but he grabbed my arm. I grunted and turned back around, annoyed.

"I'm really not in the mood, Peter"
"You could've told them to stop and you didn't. why'd you even choose those two to fight? Thomas is clearly smaller than him."

He tried to speak, but I raised my hand up to silence him.

"Just shut up, I don't care"
"Excuse me?"
"No, excuse me?"
I asked him sassier.

"Do you know who your talking to?"
"Peter Pan, do you know who you're talking to?"
"Michelle Parker"

He smirked. This isn't funny and I'm really not in the mood. He already pissed me off by cheating and now he's trying to tell me I can't do what I want to do.

"I'm taking him with me"
I grabbed Thomas and walked away from Pan.
Thank you, @oncerfan for the new cover. I really like it.

4K reads! thank you guys so much!

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