Chapter 24

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"Are you sure you want to do this?"

I thought about the pain I went through. I nodded up at Caleb.

"I'm positive. Here"

I started to wave my hand over his heart.

"What are you doing?" Caleb asked.

"Casting a protection spell."


"Just in case"

I flashed on white denim cut off shorts with a light turquoise tank. My nails were painted the same color and I had a matching beaded bracelet on my left wrist. I also wore turquoise converse to go with the outfit. My earrings were turquoise, round studs. I had my hair in loose curls. I looked in my mirror while putting on mascara and lip gloss. I turned around to face Caleb, Thomas, and Dymond.

"How do I look?"

Caleb and Thomas stared on awe and Dymond was smiling.

"Girl, he is going to be so jealous"

I giggled. Dymond is my best friend that's a girl. I talk to her about boys. If she's not around, I talk to Caleb. She slept over before and we stayed up all night talking, doing each other's nails, hair, makeup, girl things.

"Make sure you take care of him. Pan may try to hurt him because he knows I care about him." I told Dymond referring to Thomas.

She sat next to Thomas on the bed and hugged him tightly. She rested her head against his.

"I'll guard him with my life"

"I can't breathe!"

Thomas shouted. I laughed and hugged both of them. This might be my last time seeing them.

"Ready?" I asked Caleb.

He nodded his head while grabbing my hand. I intertwined our fingers and flashed us in the middle of the forrest.

I started to giggle loudly to attract attention. I waited and waited. Caleb and I started to have small talk. Finally I sensed Peter near us. He was invisible, but I know he's watching. That's when I started flirting and Caleb flirted back.

Caleb is cute so it wasn't hard to pretend to be attracted to him. I reached up and combed my fingers through his hair. I stared into his eyes. then he started to lean down slowly. when our lips connected I pulled him closer by his collar. His hand was on my lower back. It wasn't enough to set Peter off. I started to tangle my fingers in his hair. I bit Caleb's bottom lip.

He caught on, understanding that we need to turn it up a notch. He started to push me backwards until I hit a tree. Our lips never disconnected. Then his hands started to move lower. He squeezed my butt causing me to gasp. He slipped his tongue in my mouth. We fought over dominance, he won.

Really? Is Peter not jealous? I know he's there. I can sense him. Is he really just going to watch this? Then Caleb disconnected our lips. He started to kiss my neck. I threw my head back, closed my eyes and moaned. I'm not going to lie, but I'm actually enjoying this. Then all of a sudden I don't feel Caleb's hands on me anymore. I opened my eyes.

He was slammed against a tree. Then I can see Peter stalking towards him. His face is a crimson red. He is pissed. Dang, did I over do it? Next thing I know , Peter is on Caleb, punching him. He tries to grab his heart, but my protection spell is too strong for him to break through.

I manage to push him off of Caleb.

"Go!" I yelled at him.

"No, I'm not going to leave you"

I don't have time to argue with him. I snapped my fingers and flashed him back to the my house. Peter had lunged at him, but he was too late. He got up off the ground and walked towards me. He was breathing with anger. He slapped me.

He slapped me so hard that I fell to the ground. My face was stinging so bad. tears were forming at the rim of my eyes, but I wouldn't dare cry in front of him. Shouldn't I be the one that's mad? I stood up and looked him straight in the eye. His eyes were so dark, that they were black. Now I can see him as the monster he actually is.

"Enjoy the view?" I smirked.

Then he sent me soaring through the air and I hit a tree. I was surprised my spine didn't break from the impact. This time I was mad. I stood up and walked up to him.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" he yelled in face.

"Shouldn't I be asking you that?"

he grabbed my wrist and dug his nails into me. I winced in pain.

"You're my girlfriend"

"I'm not your only girlfriend" I spit in his face.

He let go of me to wipe the spit off his face.


"I am not a bitch, you asshole! Do you think I'm stupid? Did you really think I wouldn't find out about Cynthia?" I yelled back at him.

I attempted to slap him, but he grabbed my wrist. He started to twist it almost breaking it. Why am I just taking this? I'm a witch. I used my telekinesis to throw him across the forrest and hit a tree. He tried to stand up, but I slammed him against another tree. I threw him around hitting at least ten trees before I walked up to him. He didn't have the energy to get up.

I reached down and pulled his heart out of his chest.

"Do you know how I felt when I saw you two at the beach?"

I squeezed his heart slightly, giving him a little pain.

"I was trying to surprise you. I thought you would be happy to see me. I was so excited to see you. Then I saw you two kissing."

I squeezed his heart again but with more pressure. He yelled out in pain. I was crying by now. I couldn't hold it back anymore.

"I actually loved you. You showed me it was okay to love again. I was happy. I actually believed I can have a happy ending... just not with you."

I can kill him right now. This is the perfect opportunity. I stared at the heart for a minute.

"What are you waiting for? kill me already!" he was tired of the anticipation.

I shook my head and tossed his heart to him. It's not worth it.


@DymondDemon how was that? I think I fit your character in well.

4.9K reads! so close to 5K!

I'm thinking about making another fan fiction, I'm not sure yet. Or maybe a book of short imagines and people comment requests. What do you guys think?

If you don't watch once upon a time then you might not understand the enchanted heart thing. basically the heart is enchanted and glows, it's not really connected you an you can take it out and stuff. if you squeeze it, you hurt the person. you can kill them by squeezing it to dust. You can also control the person with it.



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