Chapter 23

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After multiple attempts of Pan trying to get me to stay I finally got Thomas into the fairy territory. I could use magic to heal him quickly, but I believe that letting things heal on their own will make you stronger, without being dependent on something.

I came up with that theory so I have a reason to not take that nasty cold medicine they tried to give me when I was sick. Even though the symptoms were bad it was better than having that taste in my mouth. I can taste it just thinking about it and it makes me gag.

I peeked back in my room and looked over at Thomas who was sleeping on my bed.

"Who is that?"
"My friend, Thomas"

Clarion peeked in the room.

"What happened to him?"
"Got into a fight"
"With what, a mermaid?"

I shook my head.
"With this guy. I broke up the fight and brought him here to heal. Is that okay?"
"It's fine with me. Introduce me to him when he wakes up."

I introduced him to Clarion. I can tell that she likes him. When she left the room I started to ask him questions.

"While I was at school this week, did you guys get any new visitors?"

He thought about it for a while.
"Yeah, there was this one girl..."
"What does she look like?"

He started to get nervous.
"Are you scared? Why are you scared?"
"I shouldn't be telling you this, pan would hurt me."
"I already know about him cheating. I was just making sure I wasn't hallucinating."
"Don't be afraid of Pan. He's going to be afraid of me, soon"

He looked relieved, but then frightened.
"Don't be afraid of me either, I wouldn't hurt you"
I said while rubbing the side of his face, gently.

"where is she now?"
"In the cage, if Pan finds out that I'm telling you this he'll have me in the cages waiting for my turn."
"What do you mean, your turn?"
"When he puts people in cages, it's only a matter of time before he kills them."
"Why is she in the cage?"
"He tried to get her to steal pixie dust from the faries, but she wouldn't dare go into the territory. She was acting strange about it."

"So he put her in there because she was no use to him?"
He nodded his head. So why isn't he using me? he wants me to trust him first? Maybe he knows I wouldn't do it. why didn't he put me in the cage yet?

"You're not going back there"
"But you said you would bring me back"
"I also said that I have homework, chores, and other things to do. Since when do I tell him the truth?"
"True" he said while nodding his head.
"I'm going to get even with him"

'Hey' Caleb responded.
'How well are your acting skills?"

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