Chapter 20

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I woke up, I had an hour before school starts. I took a quick shower. I dried off and flashed on a cute outfit. Thank god it's Friday.

I put my long hair into curls, and went to the kitchen to make cereal. 30 minutes later, there was a knock at the door. I opened it.

"Hey, you ready?"

It was Caleb, my friend. He was cute. He had brown hair, deep blue eyes, and has an amazing smile.


I followed him out the door. On the walk towards school, I told him what happened yesterday.

"So what are you going to do about it?"
"Pretend I don't know, get revenge, get even"
"Don't you think giving her that nightmare was enough?"
"After all those years of dealing with her bull? No"

I told Caleb about Cynthia. He's one of the people I met before school even started. I was glad he was in a few of my classes.

"So what else do you plan on doing?"
"Going back later tonight"
"You're going to give her another nightmare?"
"Then why are you going back?"
"I still have to get back at Peter"

He just shook his head.
"You could just confront him, break up with him and move on."
I kicked a pine cone.
"Where's the fun in that?"

We arrived at the school. The day went by fast. I hardly paid attention in class. I was too busy planning what I was going to do later.

Caleb walked me home. We stayed in my room for an hour, talking and joking around. I was laughing when Peter's voice popped into my head.

'Hey, are you coming?'
'Sorry, we had homework and clarion won't let me go until I finish. I'll be there tomorrow.'

"You talking to him?" Caleb asked.
I nodded my head.

'Okay, can't wait to see you'
'Me too'

"What did he say?"
"He asked if I was coming over today so I told him I have homework and clarion won't let me leave until I finish it"
"But we don't have homework"
"If he's not going to be honest with me, why should I be honest with him?"

"I don't think you should try getting even."
"Why not?"
"I don't want you to get hurt."
"I'll be fine, I'm smart and I have powers."
"So does he"

I thought about it.
"I'm not going to back down like a wuss"
"You wouldn't be a wuss for not getting back at him, you're being the better person. You might do something you'll regret."

We started walking towards the door. It was time for him to go home. He pulled me into a tight hug, I hugged him back.

"Just be careful" he said into my ear.
"I will" I said back into his.

We broke apart. He faced towards the door and he opened his retractable wings. I watched him fly away.

I turned myself invisible and flashed myself near pan's camp. I walked closer quietly. I could see two people. I stopped in my tracks. They were kissing. Cynthia and Pan were kissing, right in front of me.

My throat had a lump in it. It was hard to breath and it hurts to swallow. My vision became blurry with tears. I wanted to beat the life out of her, but I couldn't. I'm better than that.

Next thing I know I'm back in my room crying, eating Nutella, potato chips, Ice cream, drinking coca cola, yelling at the world. I hugged my pillow. Just do what Caleb said 'confront him, break up with him, and move on'

I started cursing out Peter, I know he couldn't hear me, but I need to get my anger out. Someone knocked on my door.

"Can I come in?"
Caleb came back after I called him to come over. I opened the door, he looked concerned. I cried out more and hugged him.

"It's going to be okay" he cooed rubbing my back.
"No it's not! I'm going to die with a bunch of cats or whatever animals you have on this damned island"

He pulled me off him and looked me in the eye.
"Stop cussing before clarion hears you"
"I don't give a f-"

Before I can finish the word Caleb popped me in my mouth.

"Ow, you little bi-"
He popped me again. This time I kept my mouth shut.

"I know you're mad but that doesn't mean you can just throw cuss words around."

He looked over at my bed. It was covered in used tissues. I don't care, he wouldn't judge me. He snapped his fingers and they were put in the trash can. We walked over to my bed and sat down.

"Do you want to tell me what happened?"

I sniffled and nodded my head. I collected myself together.

"I went back to his camp to get my revenge and..."

I was starting to lose control again. Caleb wrapped his arms around me and leaned back against the headboard. he stroked my arm.

"They were kissing. He looked like he was enjoying it. He didn't even try to back away."

Then I let the tears fall again.

"Michelle, forget him, he's just going to make you more sad."

I tried, it didn't work.

"Things will get better."

Then he started telling me a story. I cuddled into his side with my head on his chest. I was at peace. His breathing was steady as he told the story. I smiled and drifted off to sleep.

Peter pan's lost girlWhere stories live. Discover now