Chapter 3

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He started walking towards his camp. I watched him. He turned around.
"Are you coming?"
I started walking towards him. he smiled. It was quiet. I wasn't the kind of person to start a conversation around new people. I was the quiet girl that sits in the middle of the classroom that gets ignored and I liked it that way, but it gets lonely sometimes. I'm only talkative around my friends, if I had any.

"You don't talk much, do you?" "nope" I didn't even look up at him. I kept staring at the ground. My confidence isn't that high either. A few more minutes of no talking. He sighed.

"What's your favorite color?" I could feel his eyes on me. "yellow." "why do you do that?" "do what?" I asked finally looking up at him. "I'm trying to have a conversation with you and you're being anti-social." "sorry" I mumbled looking back at the ground. He stopped walking. I'm confused. I looked back up at him. "what's wrong?" he smiled. "you keep talking to me without eye contact." "oh" is all I thought to say.

He continued walking. I followed behind him. He slowed down and so did I. "Walk beside me."
"So we can actually talk."
This was putting me out of my comfort zone, but I tried to force myself not to be so shy. I walked up beside him like he asked.

"Want to know my favorite color?"
I rolled my eyes.
"What is your favorite color, Peter?"
"Green, what do you like to do for fun?"
"Read, look at nature, embrace it." I smiled. "what about you?"
"Now were starting a conversation."
he smiled. I looked up at him and smiled back. "I like to do archery." My eyes lit up. "Oh my God! I always wanted to learn archery. Can you teach me?" He chuckled.
"Please?" I asked.
"Sure" he smiled.

After a moment of silence I statrted the conversation back up.
"Is it easy?"
"What do you mean?"
"Like, is it easy to hit your target?"
"With practice."
"Tell me some things about neverland" I asked now more comfortable.
"Well time stands still and you can stay young forever."
I put on a questioning look.
"How old are you?"
"Probably best if I didn't tell you."
I shrugged. We had been walking for half an hour.
"So where is this camp of yours?"
"About 15 more minutes of walking from here."

I sighed, "I can't walk anymore, my feet hurt. Can we take a break?"
"Here, just get on my back."
I may have lightened up a little, but I don't know about getting on his back. I just met this guy today. Now that I think about it, he could be kidnapping me. Well I'm going to have to trust someone, have an ally to survive. Right now, he was my best chance of survival. He squatted down a bit and I wrapped my arms around his neck. He wrapped hand under my legs and stood up. I settled down getting comfortable.

He laughed.
"What," I asked.
"You're so light."
"That shouldn't be a surprise, you're seven inches taller than me." I pointed out to him. He then turned his head around to look up at me side ways. I moved my head over so he didn't have to strain his eyes to look at me. "Who's taller now?" he asked. I giggled. His face was just a few inches below me. I looked down at him. He was smiling at me. "What?" I asked. We stared into each other's eyes for a moment. His eyes were a pretty shade of green. I blushed coming out of the trance, "Um are we still going to the camp?" I asked snapping him out of his gaze. "Oh, yeah," he said and continued walking.

Peter pan's lost girlWhere stories live. Discover now