Chapter 8

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I woke up. There was something wrapped tightly around my waist. I looked down to see hands. wait what? I turned around to see a sleeping Peter Pan. Oh yeah, I thought he would've left once I fall asleep. I was actually glad that he stayed.

He looks cute when he's asleep. I always have this urge to play with a guy's hair. should I? I mean he's asleep, but what if he wakes up? I looked at his eye brows, it's like they were perfectly combed in place. Then those eyelashes, they were so pretty. I would love to stare at his eyes, but they're closed and it would be creepy to stare at him while he's awake. actually this is creepy watching him while he's sleep. oh well, he won't know.

My eyes wandered down to his lips. I've never kissed a boy before. I wanted to kiss him but I don't know him like that, but I feel as if I've known him for years. I didn't want to move out of his arms and wake him up so I just laid there still in his arms. I looked back up at his hair. I might as well. I took my right hand and started combing through his hair with my fingers. I was combing for five minutes when he blinked with his eyes still closed... like how I do when I try to pretend to sleep. I stopped combing his hair.

"I know you're awake."
A smile crept on his face and his eyes opened.
"Good morning."
"Good morning." I replied.
He yawned and smiled. Awe, I smiled back. I stared into his eyes. I love pretty eyes, and his were beautiful. He chuckled.
"Were you combing my hair earlier?"
"Oh, sorry about that."
I looked away from him embarrassed.
"I don't mind." he grinned.

I then realized his arms were still wrapped around me. I grabbed his hand and pulled it off of me.
"Thanks for um, last night"
"What happened in your dream?"
"It must've been something if it made you cry."
"Can we just not talk about this." I said in a aggravated tone. I got out the bed and walked outside. he didn't follow me. good, I needed some time alone.

I walked to the creek where I bathed the night before. I splashed the cool water onto my face. I laid on my back in the grass next to the creek. I close my eyes. the sun warmed my face I could hear the trees rustle as the wind blew softly and the steady pace of the creek flowing. I laid there thinking. Then my face suddenly went cold. someone was blocking me from my sun.

I opened my eyes.
"Hey Thomas."
"Hey, what're you doing?"
"Relaxing and thinking."
"Cool. can I join you?"
I smiled up at him.
He laid down beside me. He stared up at the sky.
"Hey! look at that cloud."
"Looks like a duck."
"Yeah and that one looks like a heart."
"Yep." I smiled. "so what are the plans for today?"
"I'm not sure, we can ask pan."
"Did you ask him about visiting the mermaids?"
"No, I forgot."
"Have you ever seen a mermaid?"
"No, you?"
"Yeah, they're pretty."
i nodded my head.

I closed my eyes.
"I'm hungry. you?"
"Yeah, kinda"
"We should make breakfast together!"
"Sure why not?" we both stood up and walked to the campsite.

Thomas started the fire while I picked out the meat from the leftover pig to make bacon. I wished for eggs and those bisquick batter in a bottle things. I started on the bacon first, then most of the lost boys started to wake up. While the bacon was frying I wished for bottled water. and poured in enough in the bisquick bottle and gave it to Thomas to shake and mix around.

I flipped the bacon and started cracking eggs in a different pan. I made the scrambled eggs and the bacon was done. I took the pans off from over the fire. Thomas handed me the pancake batter and I started making pancakes. We all were eating thirty minutes later.

I did a good job. Most of the boys thanked me for making breakfast. I smiled. Peter took me out again to continue our tour from yesterday. he lead me up to a cliff.
"Do you trust me?"
I was confused. "what?"
"I asked, do you trust me?"
"Yeah I guess."
He pulled some powdery stuff out a sack that he took out of his pocket.
"Is that drugs?"
He smirked. "no, pixie dust."
Before I could respond he threw it on me. Pixie dust... where have I heard that before?
"you mean like from faries?"
"Can we go visit them?"
"Do you believe?"
Did he just ignore my question?
"Do you believe?"
"Did you just ignore my question?"
"You ignored mine."
"Because you ignored mine first."
"Can you answer the question?"
"Can you be more specific? believe in what?"
I pinched myself. I wasn't asleep.
"Do you know what it takes to fly in neverland."
"Yeah faith, trust, and... wait a min-"
"Pixie dust!" he yelled as he pushed me off the cliff.
"OH MY GOD!!!" I yelled on the way down.

Peter was flying beside me while I was about to plummet to my death.
"If you believe then you would stop falling and fly."
"Oh my god, you idiot you're going to kill me!"
"Actually it would be you're fault for not believing."
"I'm not the one who pushed myself off the damn cliff!"
He chuckled.

I closed my eyes believing that I wasn't going to die, that I would float in the air, to fly. I opened my eyes. I was floating.
"Oh my god!"
My feet wouldn't touch the ground. I kept kicking trying to move around. I stayed in place flailing my limbs everywhere.
"how am I suppose to move?"
"You think it"
"So do I have telekenesis?"
"No, this is just flying."

I started flying towards him. when I was floating in front of him I slapped him as hard as I can. God, I'm weak I grabbed my hand in pain, it didn't even hurt him. he chuckled.
"It's not funny, you could've killed me"
"But I didn't."
"Are you going to stay mad at me and lose this opportunity?" He asked.
I rolled my eyes and mumbled a "no"
"Okay now let's go." He flew off and I followed.

Peter pan's lost girlWhere stories live. Discover now