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It was official.

I had finally hit rock bottom. I let the depression get the best of me.

Of course no one knew that. I'd been faking for years now. Pretending to be happy was a skill of mine. If pretending to be happy and unbothered was a sport, I'd have more medals than basketball has ever gotten me.

Maybe people were beginning to put two and two together. After all, I just dropped out of college. Would've been my senior year but, I just don't have it in me anymore.

Guess that's bye bye basketball.

Who gives a fuck?

"Yazmin!" Jaela, one of my roommate's suddenly screamed. "What?" I snapped out of my head. I then looked down and noticed the oven mitt had caught on fire.

"Oh shit!" I nearly panicked, quickly putting it out. I then turned the stove off and stepped away.

I had to sit down for a moment and collect my thoughts. This was the third time this had happened this week. I've just been zoning out a lot lately. I don't really know why.

"Do you want me to make you more pancakes?" Jaela chuckled, holding up the burnt pancake I just made.

"Nah, it's cool. I'm finna be late if I don't leave soon. I guess I'll just stop by somewhere on my way to work." I sighed, standing up.

Just then, Joi walked into the kitchen.

Joi was Jaela's ex and my current fuck buddy. Hush. I know what y'all thinking. It's a long story.

Yea. Anyways.

"See y'all." I said, rushing out the front door. I nearly ran to my car because I was running low on time.

I gave up putting effort into my work look weeks ago. Especially my hair. I was surprised my short blonde curls were still thriving, the way I've been neglecting my hair. I had a tempt fade which made it easier to manage but still.

Today was definitely not the day to attempt to manage my hair. I was on thin ice.

If I'm late to work today, that would make a week.

Fuck. My. Life.

I tried taking a quick sip of coffee while sitting at a red light. Suddenly I heard the loud sound of cars beeping.

A black Jeep seemed to have lost control, bumping into a gray Honda, who then grazed the side of my car. "Yo, what the fuck!" I shouted in anger, as my coffee spilled all over me.

"Bro, what the fuck..." I ran my hands down my face in frustration.

Once I got myself together, I got out of my car. The other two drivers were already outside of their cars, going back and forth. The one driving the Jeep was a younger white guy.

The one driving the Honda was a black guy. His back was towards me, therefore I couldn't get a good look at him.

"Excuse me." I tried to get their attention. The two just continued going back and forth, while others driving began to slow down. Nosy asses.

"Excuse me!" I repeated, way louder.

The two finally went quiet and turned to me. I started to say something until I got a good look at the one driving the Honda.

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