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WARNING: Mild BDSM, slight degrading and praising (y'all better keep both hands where I can see them)

*The Next Morning*

Yazmin and I were in my bed, wrapped in the sheets, knocked the fuck out.

The both of us were butt ass naked and were in a spooning position. I held Yazmin very close to me, feeling her soft skin against mines as I was the big spoon.

After we fucked in my backseat last night, we came back to my place and fucked some more. Yazmin definitely got me feening for that pussy.

But she doesn't need to know that...

I groaned while slowly opening my eyes as I heard my phone ringing. I attempted to move my arm and reach for my phone but, Yazmin had a tight ass grip on my arm.

"Yazmin." I quietly spoke. I waited a few seconds before saying her name a bit louder. "Yazmin!" I finally shook her a little. Yazmin didn't respond, instead her soft snores filled the room. Damn she's that gone?

I sighed while just laying there and letting my phone ring.

Eventually I drifted back to sleep.

What felt like maybe an hour or two later, Yazmin finally started tossing and turning. I gradually opened my eyes, waking up from my sleep. And it was some good ass sleep.

Eventually Yazmin opened her eyes as well.

"Mmm." Yazmin groaned, rolling on top of me. She then wrapped her arms around me very tightly while burying her face into the crook of my neck.

I wrapped my arm around Yazmin's waist and massaged her scalp with my free hand.

"Mmm." Yazmin groaned again, moving around a little. "What's wrong stink?" I mumbled, rubbing her back.

"Keniyaaa." Yazmin whined. "Yea love?" I answered. "Keniyaaa." Yazmin whined again. "Hmm?" I dragged out. "Keniyaaa. Babyyy..." Yazmin groaned, pressing her lips against my neck.

"Baby? Since when am I baby?" I smiled a little. "Shh. It's okay." Yazmin covered my mouth.

"Yazmin. Go back to sleep." I chuckled, removing her hand from my mouth. "You gon go back to sleep with me?" Yazmin asked in a soft tone, snuggling up to me.

"I can't love. I actually have four appointments today. One of which is gonna take a while." I stated. "I have to get ready." I then said.

Yazmin immediately started whining.

"You gonna stay here and wait for me?" I asked. "Mhm." Yazmin nodded against my chest.

"Oh? So I get to come home to pussy? Just waiting for me?" I smiled. "I am not a piece of meat." Yazmin expressed.

"But yes." she then rolled off of me.

I chuckled a little while sitting up. "You wanna shower with me?" I wondered. "I'm going back to sleep." Yazmin mumbled, closing her eyes. "Okay." I sighed.

I then poked the side of her titty that was peeking from underneath the covers. Since I didn't get a response, I did it a few more times.

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