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Caught Up

*Two Weeks Later*

"Okay, deep breath in..." Keniya instructed. "No! Wait, wait, wait." I grabbed her hand, stopping her for the fifth time. Keniya gave me a fed up look.

"Yazmin, I'm not piercing your nose anymore." Keniya shook her head, stepping away. "Noo, I- I'm ready now." I nodded.

"I'm not playing Yazmin. If you grabbed my hand one more time, I'm not doing it. I have a needle in my hand. Just breathe in and stay still. It's only gonna be like two seconds." Keniya explained.

"Okay..." I nervously nodded.

Keniya slowly lined the needle back up with the marking on my nose.

"Deep breath...one, two-" Keniya quickly pushed the needle through my nose. "Ahhh! Fuck!" I immediately shouted and whined. Keniya chuckled a little.

"Stay still, I have to put the jewelry in." Keniya smiled, picking up the small silver stud. She quickly put the jewelry in and cleaned up my nose.

"That wasn't that bad, now was it?" Keniya smiled. "Yes...yes, it was." I quietly answered.

Keniya laughed a little while taking off her black, disposable gloves. She then cleaned up her work area and threw everything in the trash.

I was honestly scared to breathe normal because my nostril was so damn sore.

"Did you get your piercing or tattoo license first?" I curiously wondered. "I got them at the same time. I did training for both in the same program." Keniya answered while disinfecting.

"Oh okay. Bruh, have you ever pierced or tattooed yourself?" I questioned.

"Pierced, no. Tattoo...maybe." Keniya smiled. "Tattooing yourself is actually pretty wild." I stated. Keniya shrugged. "It wasn't that bad." she then spoke.

"Which tat did you do yourself?" I wondered. Keniya pointed to her half sleeve on her left arm. "The whole thing?!" I asked.

"Nah, just the inner forearm. And the shading." Keniya specified. "Oh." I nodded.

Once Keniya was done cleaning and everything, she went ahead and locked up her studio. We then left and headed out to her car.

Keniya has been going out her way to hangout with me and has constantly been checking up on me these past two weeks. I don't if it's because she truly wants to, or cause she's afraid I'm gonna off myself. Could be both.

I honestly haven't been feeling as depressed and suicidal since I got on antidepressants. Maybe the meditation I've done has helped as well.

My doctor also referred me to a therapist. I scheduled one session and it didn't go well. I just stared at them damn near the whole time. It's very much awkward opening up to a complete stranger.

"You look real good. The nose ring fits you." Keniya voiced, gathering my attention.

"Thank you." I smiled a little, putting my seatbelt on. "Oh my god, Yazmin said thank you. You're welcome sexy." Keniya smirked, starting the car. I groaned a bit while reaching over to her side.

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