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*That Same Night*


Keniya and I were both knocked the fuck out. Which was rare as hell. But, not for long as somebody kept calling Keniya's phone. Again. My eyes shot opened, as I was now annoyed. Cause who the hell is calling her at this time?

Before Keniya could even fully wake up, I grabbed her phone and answered it. "Hello?" I answered firmly.

The sound of small sniffles made me alarmed.

I then pulled the phone away from my ear and looked at the contact name. Mariah. "Mariah what's wrong?" I immediately asked. Keniya slowly sat up, rubbing her eyes.

"They jumped him..." Mariah got out. "Who? Who jumped who?" I questioned, causing Keniya to look confused.

"I don't know. Kedim's in the hospital right now because he got jumped. I was told some little boy saw it and called 911." Mariah explained. I froze a little, looking over at Keniya.

"Hm..." I then handed her the phone.

Mariah then explained everything to Keniya. As expected, Keniya didn't take it well. She clearly had mixed emotions. But eventually, the sad ones took over. Although she tried to play it off, I could tell she was silently crying to herself.

I scooted closer to her and wrapped my arms around her. "It's okay baby, don't cry." I whispered, laying my head on her shoulder.

"...but he's my little brother." Keniya quietly voiced. "You wanna go see him? We can go see him right now. I'll drive." I offered. Keniya nodded a little.

Keniya and I got up and got dressed. We then left out not long after. As I drove to the hospital, Keniya and I held hands.

I don't know who the hell decided to jump Kedim, but whoever it was certainly didn't know Kedim and Keniya's family dynamics. Because if they did, they'd know that was a suicide mission.

Ms. Woods had four brothers, two of which were in the service and the other two were just a little crazy. But they all were big as hell and did not play when it came to Ms. Woods, Keniya and Kedim.

I could only imagine where this was going...

"I kinda feel like this is my fault." Keniya spoke, breaking the silence. I turned to look at her a bit. "It's not. You didn't know." I stated.

"Yea but, Mariah was tryna tell me that he wasn't responding earlier and had yet to come home. I was too busy being petty and holding grudges that I didn't even think he could be in trouble." Keniya explained.

"Yea but, you said yourself that sometimes he just be doing shit like that. You didn't know. It's not your fault. And Mariah said the doctors said he's gonna be okay." I nodded.

Keniya sighed to herself while looking out the window. I rubbed my thumb across her hand a little. "It's okay." I assured her.

About 15 minutes later, we arrived at the hospital Kedim was being treated at.

Mariah came out to get us. We then walked to the room Kedim was in. "How does he look?" Keniya wondered. "Better than I was imagining but, he still looks pretty beat up." Mariah sighed, shaking her head.

"His ankle's messed up but everything else just has a little bruising." she then explained. Keniya frowned a little.

When we walked into the room, I saw Kedim slightly sitting up, talking to Ms. Woods. I noticed how Kedim and Keniya smiled a little when they saw each other.

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