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*Seven Years Ago: Yazmin's Sophomore Year*

I'm a walking joke...

Just an ugly giant. I've always thought so. Although Kedim always tells me to stop speaking like that.

After telling Kedim I felt ugly, he suggested I needed a confidence boost. He then told me to talk to his sister...Keniya.

And so I did...weeks later. Today.

It took me a minute to work up that confidence and talk to Kedim's sister. Not only was she a junior but, she was the prettiest girl I've ever seen. Ever.

"So basically, you want a glow up?" Keniya asked. "Um, yea?" I nodded, continuing to walk. "Why?" Keniya wondered. "Because...I'm not happy with the way I look. I feel ugly." I admitted.

Keniya suddenly stopped walking and turned to me. "Really? I don't think you're ugly." she expressed.

"Maybe...you just haven't found your style. Like, how you want to present yourself." Keniya suggested. "What you mean?" I wondered. "Um, like take her for example." Keniya looked at a girl across from us.

"She used to identify as a stem freshmen year. Now, she's full stud. She found herself. Or me, I used to want to be a stud because I thought that was the only way to let the girls know I'm gay. But, I'm a fem." Keniya explained.

"Oh, I didn't know you were gay." I stated. "Yea, I don't make it my personality." Keniya chuckled.

"So it's fem, stem and stud?" I asked. "I mean yea, some tend not to label themselves though. It's a whole spectrum honestly." Keniya nodded.

"So, what do you like?" I wondered.

"All women. I don't discriminate. I love them all." Keniya smiled.

"Anyways. Back to you thinking you're ugly. Don't make me fight you, cause you're not ugly." Keniya spoke. I chuckled a little, looking away.

"But um, I have to get to class soon. Give me your phone so I can give you my number. We can talk about this later on. Through text...or over the phone." Keniya gave me a look.

I had never gotten that look before and was honestly confused by what it meant.

Keniya waved at me while walking off. I waved back before damn near sprinting to class. I hated being on time. I loved being early.

Once I got to class, I sat in my seat which happened to be next to Kedim. "You're exactly on time. Are you finally deciding to rebel?" Kedim mockingly chuckled.

"No, I was...talking to your sister." I admitted. "I told you to talk to her damn near a month ago. What happened?" Kedim questioned.

"It- it just slipped my mind." I lied.

"Sure it did." Kedim slowly nodded. "Anyways, how come you didn't tell me your sister's gay?" I wondered. "Um, cause you didn't ask? And it's not important." Kedim shrugged.

I looked away a little, smiling to myself. "Bruh oh my god..." Kedim sighed. "What?" I looked at him. "You like her, don't you?" he asked.

"Um- well, she's pretty. I-I think she's cool too." I stuttered. "Goddamn...my best friend and my sister?" Kedim looked in distress.

"Relax Ked. I'm sure your sister doesn't like me in that way. She's popular and pretty. And I'm a nerd...and ugly." I mumbled the last part. "Would you stop calling yourself ugly?" Kedim spoke.

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