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Dumb Shit

*That Same Night*

"So then, why did you feel the need to insert yourself in our relationship? Like, what the fuck did you gain from that?" Angel questioned, staring at Yazmin through the phone.

"Knowing what I know now, it's obvious she either felt salty cause she wanted a relationship like ours or she had a crush on one of us. Which one? I don't know and I don't care. But for you to try to break us up?!" Dominique spoke.

"There's no amount of apologies and whatever the fuck else you wanna do, that could make me forgive you bruh. You an oop!" she continued.

Yazmin chilled beside me quietly, not saying anything.

"Like, on some real shit that just adds on to the beef we already had. And you ain't even apologize for that shit yet. Not that I'm gon accept it...but it's the principle." Dominique went on.

"What do you want an apology for?" Yazmin finally spoke. "There's endless things." Dominique claimed. "Ight bruh..." Yazmin sighed, waving Dominique off.

"The fuck you sighing for?" Dominique mugged Yazmin. "Cause you act like us falling out prior to the recent shit is all my fault. When it's not. You wanna be innocent so bad." Yazmin passionately voiced.

"What the fuck did I do? Besides fuck you up a few times. Which you deserved." Dominique expressed. I mugged Dominique a little.

"Bro, you used to talk mad shit, threaten me, and then you would do the pettiest shit...like befriend girls that you knew I talked to previously. You're weird as hell for that." Yazmin explained.

It went very quiet as everyone looked at Dominique.

It was more than obvious that Angel wanted to comment on what Yazmin said, although she stayed quiet.

"I'm sick of everyone thinking you're so innocent and I'm the bad guy. The difference between me and you is that I can admit I was wrong for the fuck shit I did." Yazmin expressed.

"Not only that but, do you know how provoked I have to be to do the shit I did. I really want all of y'all to think about this. Cause y'all have known me for basically four years. When I am left alone, I'm actually a very chill person..." Yazmin stated.

"Am I wrong?" Yazmin asked. "...that's true." Mya quietly voiced. "Yea..." Alia agreed. Angel and Dominique stayed quiet, making it obvious they knew it was true.

"So, you ain't the only one that needs an apology." Yazmin spoke.

"For what?" Dominique asked.

"Are you serious? There's no way you're that in denial..." Yazmin sighed. "I know what I did and I know why I did it. So...I don't really see an apology necessary." Dominique shrugged.

"Okay bruh...you really are a narcissist." Yazmin mockingly chuckled, obviously annoyed.

"Can't even deny that one. I've even heard Angel say so..." Yazmin mumbled, loud enough for everyone to hear. I couldn't help but snicker a bit, looking at everyone's faces.

Dumbfounded was not even the word.

"Okay seee, what we not bouta do-" Angel started. "Is admit the truth? Okay." Yazmin nodded, throwing more shade.

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