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Yazmin. Yazmin. Yazmin.

She don't got a clue in the world. Thinking shits sweet. Oh, it's sweet alright. I'm a changed woman. Just wait until she realizes...I'm doing the bending this time around.

"I'm ready." my client spoke, taking me out of my thoughts. "What?" I quickly snapped back to reality. "I'm ready." the petite brown woman smiled. "Oh, here." I passed her two pasties. "Thank you." she nearly sung.

I continued getting my materials ready and cleaning my area.

"Also, can I do red for the faded flowers and black for everything else?" the woman asked. "Yea, sure." I nodded, going into my drawer.

Once I found the right pigment I sat it down by my work area. I then went ahead and washed my hands again before putting on my black disposable nitrile gloves.

"Where do you want me to put this?" my client asked, holding up her shirt. She stood fairly close to me, practically naked minus the pasties.

"How about in your purse?" I pointed to her big ass purse on the floor. "Oh...yea." she tossed it over in that direction. "Um, I like to keep a clean space. Could you fold that neatly or place it in your bag?" I calmly expressed.

"Oh okay." the woman nodded, walking over to her shirt and bag.

Once my client was laying down and finally situated, I was prepping to start on her sternum piece. "Wait." she suddenly stopped me.

"How bad is this gonna hurt? Like, a scale from one to ten." she wondered. "The sternum area is primarily bone. It's not gonna be the most pleasant experience of your life, but you'll get through it." I nodded.

"Just, don't forget to breathe. Focus on your breaths." I told her. "Okay..." she nodded, obviously worried.

"Are you ready?" I asked. "Yes...no...yes!" she was clearly trying to convince herself. I scooted my seat back a little, giving her some space. She obviously was not ready yet.

"I know you say no extra guest unless they're being serviced but can I please invite my friend in here? She's in the waiting area." the woman rushed out. As strict as I was on my policies, I felt generous today.

"Sure." I nodded.

My client wasted no time sitting up and calling her friend on her phone. Within the next few seconds, her friend walked in.

"Ouu, this is niceee. Mhm this is real nice." her friend walked in, scanning my work environment. She then sat in the chair not far from us.

"Oh..." she looked at me.

"You're really cute." she flirted. My client immediately gave her a look to stop. "Appreciate it." I smiled a little. "See, and you know you fine cause I don't even be liking bitches like that." my client's friend continued.

"Me neither." I said and they both laughed. I don't even know what the hell was funny cause I was deadass.

Eventually I was able to finally get started on my clients tattoo.

About halfway through, we managed to only take two mini breaks. But unfortunately, I never got a break from their rather detailed conversations.

"...and that's what I said, cause me? Oh, I always check that dick before we go any further. Lift it up, around, everything." my clients friend spoke. "Right, it's just principle." my client agreed.

"Exactly. So I'm like bitch why you telling me his dick stink? That ain't got shit to do with me. And she's stupid cause she still gave him head. Come to find out, he had an STI and don't wash properly. And she put her mouth on that? Good luck to you sis." the friend explained.

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