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*The Next Day*

"Yazmin! Yazmin!" I heard the sound of continuous loud knocking on my room door. I groaned while rolling over and placing a pillow over my head. "Yazmin!" the knocking continued.

"Oh my god." I groaned, pulling the covers completely over me. "Yazmin!" Jaela shouted.

"What?!" I finally snapped.

"Oh. You're alive, okay." Jaela sounded relieved. "Can I come in?" she then asked. "For what?" I mumbled against my bed. "Just to make sure you're alive. It's almost six and you haven't been out of your room yet." Jaela explained.

"Whatever." I mumbled, falling back asleep. I heard the door slowly creak open. Then shut.

"You good?" Jaela asked, sitting on the edge of my bed. "Mhm." I sluggishly nodded. "You've been asleep all day." Jaela stated. I nodded again.

"I heard you come in this morning...where were you?" Jaela cautiously asked, clearly unsure of my response. My eyes immediately fully opened, confused by why she was asking.

I then became even more confused when I saw Jaela sitting before me in only boxers and a sports bra.

"Out...with an old friend." I slowly answered.

"I was just asking." Jaela surrendered. "But why do you care?" I wondered. "Um, I mean you're my roommate. Just making sure everything's good." Jaela slowly nodded.

"Oh...okay." I awkwardly nodded. "Yea..." Jaela joined in on the awkward nodding.

"Anyways, um, what ya doing for the rest of the day?" she then asked. "Sleeping." I answered, laying my head back down.

"Oh. Are you lonely? I can join you." I heard Jaela say just as I closed my eyes. I laid there for a moment, contemplating whether or not I heard her correctly. "Yo, what?" I suddenly popped my head up.

Jaela laughed a little to herself. "Bro what the hell are you on?" I questioned. "Nothing. But like, can I join you...?" Jaela chuckled.

"Hell yea. In your own bed." I nodded. Jaela laughed some. "The fuck..." I shook my head, chuckling a bit. "Hey man, I'll go lay in my bed but uh, you know where to find me." Jaela expressed as she walked to the door.

"Bro?" I questioned.

Jaela laughed her way out of the room.

I continued to shake my head a little while laying back down. "Oh my god..." I groaned when I heard my phone ringing.

I moved my hand around, feeling for my phone. Once I found it, I glimpsed at the caller ID before answering the phone. "Hello." I sluggishly spoke while closing my eyes for the hundredth time.

"Yurr. What's up with you? Ready for tonight?" Keniya wondered. "Tonight? What's tonight?" I questioned. "I knew you were gonna forget." Keniya chuckled. "Forget what? What did I agree to under the influence?" I sighed.

"Meditation, under the stars." Keniya said as if she was introducing an idea to a group of business people.

"Um..." I slowly looked side to side.

"Come on. Don't get cold feet on me now. I promise it's nothing weird. We're just gonna relax. It's very therapeutic." Keniya explained. "Uh-huh." I slowly nodded, clearly not feeling the idea.

"Look, I'm bouta finish up this back tat. I'll text you around seven to see if you wanna back out. Cool?" Keniya expressed. "Cool..." I shrugged.

Once Keniya and I got off the phone, I scrolled through my messages. I had quite a few but only opened a select few. One of the messages I happened to open was from Joi.

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