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*Days Later*

Yes! I'm winning.

Only by a chest hair though. I need Yazmin to come on and fold completely. I only got but so much time before I call it quits and make this woman mines again.

Damn...that wasn't even the plan.

"Mmm." I quietly groaned to myself as the needle went through my ear.

I was currently at my personal piercer, getting two new upper ear cartilage piercings. "There ya go. All set." my piercer spoke.

After paying and purchasing more piercing cleaning spray, I walked out of the shop to my car. As I got into my car, my phone ringed. I saw it was Yazmin facetiming me...for the third time today.

Who am I kidding? Got my feet kicking and shit.

"What's up?" I answered the phone. Yazmin was clearly laying down. "Why didn't you respond to my text?" she asked in the cutest tone, making the cutest face and poking her bottom lip out.

"What text stink?" I wondered. "I texted you like 15 minutes ago." Yazmin explained. "I didn't receive any text." I stated.

"Wait, let me see..." Yazmin continued talking in the same soft tone. I smiled at how focused she looked. "It didn't go through. Wait, am I blocked?" Yazmin nearly gasped.

"Yazmin. We're on the phone right now my love." I calmly stated. "Oh yea. Sorry I had a blonde moment." Yazmin nervously smiled.

"That's okay." I chuckled a bit.

"What'd you text me though?" I wondered. "Oh um, I meditated today." Yazmin smiled. "You meditated?" I smiled at her, clearly not expecting that to be what Yazmin texted me.

"Mhm. I looked up some tutorials and followed through." Yazmin explained. "Oh shit Yazmin. I'm proud of you." I expressed, smiling.

Yazmin did that specific smile once again. The one that lights up my heart due to the meaning.

"What you doing right now? Did you get your ear pierced yet?" Yazmin wondered. "Yea, I just got done actually." I said, turning to show Yazmin my ear. "Two in one day is crazy." she chuckled.

"Good luck when you sleep. Ohh, now you have no choice but to face me when we sleep in the same bed." Yazmin smirked.

"Ew. We'll just switch sides." I joked.

Yazmin raised her middle finger. "I'm just joking stink. You know I love looking at that pretty face of yours." I flirted. Yazmin started to smile but immediately changed the subject.

"Why you keep calling me stink?" Yazmin wondered. "Cause you're letting me." I smiled.

"What else you want me to call you sexy?" I asked. "...don't call me that." Yazmin said, taking her face out of the camera. "Why not? I got you blushing again?" I teased.

Yazmin immediately hung up. I laughed a little to myself. As I went to start my car, Yazmin texted me. I looked down at her phone, reading her messages. The first text was the one about her meditating.

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