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*Two Weeks Later*

"Drinking and driving?! And he only got a fine? What is this nonsense?! I'm gonna go down there and talk to that judge." my mother stood up from the dining table. "Mom...mom, the trial is over." I stated, trying to get her attention.

"I don't care! You could've been seriously hurt." my mother frowned, grabbing my face with both of her hands. I looked into her soft blue eyes.

"But I'm not mom. I just got some scratches and a minor dent on my car." I assured her, grabbing her hands. I then moved the brunette strands of hair from her face and kissed her forehead.

"I'm safe mom." I nodded.

"Look at you, coming home and stressing mom out." Taj, my older brother walked from behind us. "At least I'm not an everyday problem like you." I shot back.

"Shut up." Taj told me, opening the refrigerator door. He then took something out and threw it at me. "Is this cause I'm black? This is a hate crime. Racism at it's whitest." I joked, catching what he threw.

"Oh please." Taj sighed.

"I'm the last person to be calling racist. I threw it at you because you're gay. Obvi." Taj smiled, flicking his wrist.

"Taj!" our mother said.

"Yea and who got caught sneaking a guy out at 2AM?" I teased. "That's not even what happened!" Taj immediately began yelling. The both of us loudly went back and forth for a while.

"Both of you. Stop it!" our mom finally shouted. "She started it." Taj mumbled, walking past me. "Did not." I bumped his shoulder.

I smiled a little to myself.

If it wasn't obvious by now, I'm adopted. Having a white mother and a white brother didn't really phase me anymore. At the end of the day, it's all I know. They're all I know.

As I was eating at the dining table, Kedim text me. I ate a little more before going to look at the message.

𝐊𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐦: Yoo
𝐊𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐦: Keniya, my girl and I were finna go out for dinner tn since we're managing through this trial. You wanna join?

𝐌𝐞: Thanks for the invite. I'm at my moms right now so I'll lyk

𝐊𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐦: Ight. We finna meet at like 8ish so yea

I hearted Kedim's message then went back to eating. Once I finished eating, I washed my dishes and went to lay down in the living room, on the couch.

I felt my body sink into the soft cushions immediately. Just as I was going to close my eyes, my phone ringed.

To my surprise it was Keniya. She had never called before and we had barely spoken since we were at the park, so I was confused. "What's up?" I answered the phone.

"Why are you being boring bro? Come through tonight." Keniya immediately said.

"Damn. Word gets through y'all fast." I stated.

"It do. You got plans tonight? Probably not. Your ass probably laying on the couch right now. Being miserable. Aren't you?" Keniya spoke.

"Uh, no." I quickly sat up. "Did you just sit up?" Keniya asked. "No." I lied. "Stop lying." Keniya smacked her lips. "I'm tired okay? I've been working doubles tryna make up for missed hours." I stated.

"And that's why you deserve a night out. A night to relax and chill. Just vibe twin." Keniya said.

"We'll see. If I wake up from my nap at a reasonable time, then I'll meet y'all there." I explained. "Ughhh fine." Keniya groaned. "I'll see you later grandma." she then teased.

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