Chapter 1

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First wrote this before 4.1, then edited it after 4.1

Age: 18
Charge with murder of both his foster parents.
Pleaded guilty to all charges.
Sentence: 10 years.

This was one of the cases that took a toll on Neuvillette. After all this was the youngest that has ever been sent to the fortress of meropide. Not just born in there. He didn't want this child, just turned adult, to go, he still had his whole life ahead of him. And to make it worse was, it was out of self defense for him and his siblings. If this child hadn't pleaded guilty to the charges Neuvillette would have helped him out.

The day of the trial and when he was sent to meropide was also the accused 18th birthday as well.

After the trial it rained for three days straight. Even the archon was starting to get worried about the none stop rain. She even went to the source itself, Neuvillette, the chief justice himself, and she confronted him about it.

But that was now almost 16 years ago, and Wriothesley sits at the top of the throne in the fortress with the title Duke. It's not a bad life, he can leave whenever he wants, but don't most of the time. He likes it, this is his home now and he rules over it. No fights hardly breaks out anymore, he gets free food, but the worse thing has to be the paperwork. And hardly anyone remembers how he get in the prison in the first place, almost like anything about his case went poof.

Thankfully it's one of those days without any paperwork, he can walk around and do what ever he wants. And today he chose to annoy the head nurse.

The land of justice, Fontaine, or the nation of hydro. It's a nice place, mainly sunny out, but sometimes it would get cloudy, rain, or a flat out thunderstorm. But today was a light, cloudy, rain.

Neuvillette sat in his office just thinking, thinking about what recently happened with the 11th of the fatui harbinger early that day. He himself thought that childe was out free, but apparently not. And he needed questions that childe wouldn't answer. Once childe woke up from being smacked unconscious, Neuvillette sent some people to question him more, but he wouldn't answer them in return.

Neuvillette stood up from his chair and pushed it under the table before walking to the door that leads out of his office. Soon as he walked out he was instantly interrupted with questions about the trial. He ignored the people and walked past them to the main door that goes to the outside.

Soon as the door opened Neuvillette breathed in the fresh outside air that he needed, but that was also interrupted when he realized that he was getting wet by the rain, it started to rain harder, and he knew why that was. It because of him. Neuvillette let out a sigh and turned around to walk back inside to get his umbrella.

Now, he was ready to head for the most "dangerous" and infamous prison of Fontaine.

As Neuvillette sat on the aquaboat alone, listening to the waves crashing, the rain lighted up some. He held his hand out to catch the falling rain but it was still too much for his liking.

"Sir, this is your stop." The kind melusine said.

Neuvillette stood up and thanked her for the ride and got off the boat to only head for the other one underground.


Long dark halls engulfed Neuvillette, until he got to the main room of meropide, he walk and walked trying to find the ginger he's looking for. What only sounds he could hear was his foot steps and sounds of whispering inmates. Surprisingly how many prisoners he's was passing none hasn't made one noise besides the whispers about him, it kinda made Neuvillette slightly uncomfortable.

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