Chapter 11

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Soon as Wriothesley stepped inside of Meropide all eyes were on him. Sigewinne kept his leave a secret, so no one knew of his leave, at least so she thought, but one knew. As he walked through to Sigewinne's office the inmates had the same reaction, "he went out?"

Wriothesley walked into the nurses station holding more bags then before, he got Sigewinne apologize gifts. There she was helping a inmate that had a gash on his shoulder. Sigewinne happily jumped around and then just glared at him immediately before going back to helping the patient. She would speak to him after the inmate left.

By that stare alone, Wriothesley could tell she wasn't the happiest to see him, and he understands why she would be upset, she's been taking care of the place for half a week while he was getting his inside rearranged.

Sigewinne finished up her work and gave the inmate a smoothie before quickly rushing the man out. Once the two were alone she grabbed Wriothesley's hand and dragged him to his office for they could have more privacy.

Once in the office Sigewinne sat down in Wriothesley's office chair before he could, leaving him stunned. No problem though. He placed down everything in his hands to picked the little girl up and sat down, putting her in her designated chair he keeps in there for her. Sigewinne let out a huff and crossed her arms.

"Im sorry for leaving and not telling you in advance." Wriothesley spoke first, "It was a sudden request." And now he thinks about it he doesn't know what furina told her what he was doing.

Sigewinne just rolled her eyes, its not that she didn't believe the two's lies, she did, at first. If she wasn't a melusine then yes she would have believed it. But after looking at the man in front of her it was obvious, especially after taking his hand and dragging him to the office. Not to mention the hydro energy coming from him. For now she will play dumb.

"Your lucky nothing happened while you were away. I can't keep watch and do my nursing duties." She then sighed, "But i cant be too mad, you were helping lady Furina with that play since Neuvillette couldn't." She said while holding back a smirk, the completely wrong lie. She was hoping to catch him up in on anyways.

"Yeah..." he replied while turning to look at the empty cup on his desk, hoping to not seem to suspicious.

Sigewinne watched as Wriothesley picked the cup up and put it away in one of the desk drawers with others. "You seem a little tense? Something wrong?" She asked innocently.

Wriothesley looked back at the girl and stretched. "Just a little tired. Helping Furina and running some errands for her is tiring." He answered.

Sigewinne let out a hum and stood from her chair, "Take your shirt off and i will give you a massage."

Wriothesley was about to agree when he remembered that he looked like underneath the fabric. "It's fine, i will be fine by the morning, then i will start the paperwork."

Sigewinne tilted her head to the side, putting on a concerned act. "Is something wrong? You never disagreed!" Wriothesley went to answer but fumbled his words. Neither him or her could keep lying to each other.

Sigewinne was the first, she couldn't keep the act up and let out what she knew, "Or is it that you weren't even with Furina, but with Neuvillette!" She yelled, poking his nose.

"You can ask furina i was with her!" At some point.

Sigewinne crossed her arms and sighed, "Give up the act, are you forgetting that i am still a melusine. Soon as you walked in the nursing station I felt Neuvillette's presence and energy, yet he wasn't there, also when I touched your hand i could feel more then your body being just a 'little tense'." She continued to poke him.

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