Chapter 6

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Neuvillette held the shirt in his hands. It would be wrong of him to do anything. He wanted to put the shirt back in the box and write a note to furina to return the gift to Sigewinne.

As he went to place it back in the box he got another smell of the shirt and a wave of heat washed over him. Why did Wriothesley have to smell so good. He went to put it in the box again but stopped himself, Sigewinne sent him this to help him. Can't argue with the doctor.

Neuvillette put the box on the floor. He brought the shirt up to his face and inhaling the scent of green tea and metal. He let out a small whine and rutted his hips into his blankets.

Since it was just him he could let loose of his human form, his tail removed the blanket and knocked it into the floor. He looked down at his twin cocks, they were already hard and leaking. He flipped over on his stomach, his face against the shirt and his ass in the air. His hand started searching for a pillow, preferably the one that Wriothesley slept on the night he was over.

He found it and held it underneath him, grinding his cocks against it and thrusting into it. His other hand made its way to his hole. His dragon form and heat took care of slicking himself. He went ahead and stuck two fingers in, moaning at the pleasure from both his cocks and fingers. In his mind he imagined it was Wriothesley, and the smell made it better.

"Wr- Wriothesley!" He moaned out as he came onto the pillow.

Neuvillette felt embarrassed, but he needed more, he wanted more then just this, he wants Wriothesley there whispering into his ears and making snarky remarks that made his heat even worse until the gummies held no effect on him.

Neuvillette sent this fingers deeper into his hole and adding a third one. He wished it was Wriothesley so bad inside of him, the only person in the world that he would let dominate him, to destroy him and breed him. But these thoughts are only fueled by his heat, these are only heat thoughts and nothing more.


Wriothesley went to wash his clothes. As he was putting his dirty laundry in the washer he realized one of his shirts was missing, but he didn't think nothing of it, just he probably already washed it.

He grabbed the detergent from the shelf above and poured it into a measuring cup. He went to smell it and sneezed, he accidentally dropped it into the washer.

"That means someone is thinking about you!" A ginger teased. How did he even get into Wriothesley's personal room?

Wriothesley groaned, he picked up the cup and poured out the remaining washing detergent. He started the washer and put everything back on the shelf before turning around and being met with childe and sigewinne leaning on the door frame. He motioned them to walk out into the main room and he followed behind.

"What are you two doing in my room? You couldn't have waited in my office?" Wriothesley's asked and opened the door to go to his office.

The three walked up the stairs to Wriothesley's office, he sat down in his chair and started to boiling water for tea. Sigewinne and childe pulled up a chair on the opposite side of Wriothesley and watched him.

It was slightly annoying, he was just getting watched. Was there nothing else to do? Did Sigewinne have no patients? And did childe run out of things to do as a inmate? Or was it that they wanted something?

"What do you two want?" Wriothesley's finally asked after five minutes.

Sigewinne cleared her voice and sat a box down on the desk with a loud thud. "Childe has something he needs to send out." She said and smacked the box. "Since i know whats in it and package it can i go ahead and send it out for him?"

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