Chapter 10

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The end of the week has arrived. Neuvillette woke up first, feeling way better, his body temperature felt like normal again. He raised up and stretched with a yawn, trying not to wake up Wriothesley in the process.

Neuvillette slowly and gently crawled out of bed, he picked the robe off the floor and put it on. He looked down at Wriothesley peacefully sleeping, he had bruises and bite marks everywhere on his body, Neuvillette felt bad, he was going to repay him somehow. He smiled softly before turning around and walking down stairs to take a nice, warm, and deserved bath.

After getting out of the bath Neuvillette grabbed a clean robe and put it on, he didn't want to wake up Wriothesley by going through his closet and making a ruckus. As he was going to the kitchen to make something to eat he passed the gifts that were left on the table, he smiled once more and continued to the kitchen to boil water to make tea for Wriothesley.

While the water was warm up, Neuvillette went back to the living room to check the gifts. The first bag he grabbed was the soup, it definitely went bad after the first day of being left out. Neuvillette sighed and placed it on the side of the table to be thrown away. He would also repay Wriothesley for letting it go to waste.

Next the big bag with everything in it. Neuvillette opened it up, he felt overwhelmed by feelings, that unfamiliar heat rushing over him again, this time he knew it wasn't from his heat, it was something else.

Neuvillette took everything out of the bag one by one and put on the table until he got to the otter plushie, he kept it in his lap and hugged it. So soft.

"I figured you would like it."

Neuvillette whipped his head around to be met with Wriothesley slowly walking towards him from the staircase, he put on a robe also before leaving the room.

Wriothesley awkwardly sat down on the couch beside of Neuvillette. Maybe he should have taken a bath first too. He reached to the bag sitting in the floor and picked it up. It was his own groceries. Thankfully it had nothing that needed refrigerated.

"Sooo im guessing its over?" Wriothesley asked and took out a pack of chocolate chip cookies.

Neuvillette nodded and turned his head to look at Wriothesley. He gasped and grabbed the cookies before he could open the pack.

"You need to eat something healthy first." He said and tossed the cookies into the bag in Wriothesley lap. Wriothesley let out a hmph and ate a cookie. Neuvillette playfully rolled his eyes, "Go take a bath, I currently have tea being made for you, i will bring it to you."

"So generous." Wriothesley meant it as a tease but it went past Neuvillette's head.

"Of course, i owe a lot to you now." Neuvillette spoke then stood up, he held a hand out for Wriothesley, "I am free for the rest of the day, what do you want to do, i will treat you to it." He asked while helping Wriothesley stand up.

"You don't have to, you don't have to owe me a-"

"I am, i don't care what you say, i will be treating you." Neuvillette spoke in his serious voice. Wriothesley just nodded and turned to go to the bathroom. "I will also get you a set of clean clothes." Neuvillette said as he was walking to the kitchen to check on the water. He was still holding the plushie.

Once the tea was finally finished and a set of clean clothes was found, Neuvillette went to take it into the bathroom for Wriothesley. As he walked past the couch he placed the plush on it. When he got to the bathroom door he knocked, Wriothesley's responded and Neuvillette entered.

Neuvillette placed the tea on the edge of the counter for Wriothesley could reach and set the clothes on the shelf. When Neuvillette looked back at Wriothesley, there were more marks then he remembered making.

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