Chapter 2

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^There is a line, that happens to be over the line...

a toe at best may step on it. ^

"You've been staring at me for two days now! Take a shower you stinky dog!" Childe yelled, throwing a little fit because he claims he hasn't had no privacy.

He has, Wriothesley would leave to walk around to check on the rest of the inmates, or go to get some paperwork to file, or to go to sleep for the next.

Wriothesley rolled his eyes, but he did agree with the ginger, and did want a shower. At least Sigewinne brought the both of them food and water. But before he could call in her to take his place she rushed in, out of breath.

"Trial... needs... you!" She said inbetween breaths.

Wriothesley nodded, most times he didn't need to be called, but sometimes there are criminals that are a little too much. Like childe here. "Look after him." He said and walked out the door.

"It's just me and you, little marshmallow." Childe said to Sigewinne after the door closed.

"I am not a marshmallow!"

It was twenty five minutes into the trial of some guy who was obviously guilty for robbing multiple shops and harassing women who kept declining his offers. Wriothesley snuck into the courtroom and asked the nearest garde the details of what happened. After hearing what the man has be an accused of, he was for sure that the man was guilty.

Wriothesley's attention was shifted from paying attention to the guilty man, to Neuvillette who was looking tired of being lied to. Wriothesley started at him, and only him, no one in that room mattered to Wriothesley like Neuvillette did in this moment. The way his voice sounded when he would prove the man was lying, or the way his face would shift to one of annoyance when he would get interrupted by the same guilty man. Wriothesley wanted to know how he could keep his cool in times like these.

Wriothesley was a patient man, but if one of the prisoners did something they were told not to do, like childe for example, one too many times, he would lose his cool.

As the trial was closing out, Wriothesley made his way to the back rooms of the opera house to wait on a certain person to walk out. He waited and waited, until he heard a loud, familiar, voice yell word that he was way too familiar with. "Guilty."

Wriothesley smirked and got his handcuffs out and walked up to the door of the stand that the guilty man was on. He opened the door, the man backed up and hit the railing of the stand, he went to jump but Wriothesley got to him by the shirt first and pushed him against the wall to cuff him. There were gasps in the crowd, while Wriothesley took him away.

When they walked into the back rooms, Wriothesley hit a presser point that knocked the loud and fighting man out, he handed the man over to a garde, "Take him to Meropide, please. I have to do something." He said. The garde nodded and took the man.

Wriothesley looked around and spotted a plane door from where he was standing. He went to it and opened it, revealing a staircase and Neuvillette walking down it.

"Do you need something, duke Wriosthesley?" He asked.

Wriothesley didn't think this far ahead, he didn't know what he wanted. His body reacted before his mind, but at least he can get the chance to talk more to Neuvillette.

"Is it Childe? Did he say something?" Neuvillette continued to ask.

Wriothesley shook his head, "No, but I have Sigewinne watching him. Do you want to come back with me and ask him more questions?" He asked and stepped out of the way for Neuvillette could get out of the small stairwell.

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