Chapter 4

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I have no idea about sigewinne lore, so i took things in my own hands.

Midway through the week sigewinne decided to go through her and Wriothesley's clothes to see what they had for the masquerade.

Nothing, they had nothing nice.

Being down in the fortress of meropide, and use to be a inmate, Wriothesley of course didn't have anything, he didn't get invited to theses type of things. And sigewinne just wanted an excuse to go out shopping with the Duke.

She fought long and hard trying to convince him to go with her. She even made him feel bad for her, saying: "You never come to the over world with me, some melusine's think you don't like me." She said with fake, sad eyes, which worked.

And that's how Wriothesley got dragged back up to the overworld. Sigewinne skipped through the streets of Fontaine, waving and talking to any melusine she comes across, and Wriothesley's followed behind her.

They both were certainly getting the people's attention, both the Duke and head nurse of meropide in the court of Fontaine, whats happening?

Sigewinne stopped in the middle of the streets and spun around, taking everything in. It has been a long time since coming up here last. She stopped and turned to Wriothesley who was still trying to catch up to her.

"I thought we were going shopping, not meeting every melusine in town." He breathed out.

Sigewinne huffed and crossed her arms, "I haven't been here in forever, the least you can do is let me see my friends."

Wriothesley crouched down to her height, "Ok ok, please don't run off anymore, I lost you a few times and got scared." He admitted.

Sigewinne giggled, she always wanted to do this with what she secretly calls her second father figure. "Your grace, may I remind you i am a melusine and knows Fontaine like the back of her hand? But if you get lost go to Neuvillette's office, that is my last stop." She said and started rummaging around in a small bag she brought. "Speaking of him, I promise him something." She felt what she packed but didn't bring it out.

"Whats that?"

Sigewinne waved her finger in front of his face, "Im not telling what it is because its classified information between me, him, and melusine's. I am the only one that knows how to make it." She said proudly.

"Ew, why would he purposely asked for a milkshake." Wriothesley could start to taste one in his mouth.

Sigewinne glared at him, "No more talking about this, and no its not a milkshake." She said and pushed him up, she turned to the side and pointed to the store in front of them, "Here is a clothes store." She then dragged Wriothesley into the store.

This clothes store was meant for melusine's only, so this was useless to Wriothesley. He followed behind sigewinne humming as she spoke about what she liked and didn't like about the outfits she kept on finding.

Sigewinne eventually told him to go look for her in a different part of the store. So here was Wriothesley scanning through different clothes. Sigewinne also didn't say anything about what she was looking for, so it made it extremely difficult shopping for her without knowing what she wanted.

Wriothesley then started to think. Sigewinne isn't a normal melusine, she is a hybrid. Wouldn't a normal clothes store for humans work just as well, then they both could shop at the same one.

He went to turn around to confront her about this, and there she stood upset with her arms crossed.

"They don't have nothing in my size." She mumbled.

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