Chapter 17

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Blame my girlfriend The_REAL_Arlecchino for this cursed ass smut, she gave me an idea and i was high for most of it👀 also early chapter

Not only did Wriothesley clean him and his room up, he also cleaned his office and a private space that had a window with the view of the sea floor, because he felt like Neuvillette would like it.

It didn't take long for the staff or inmates to notice that he was dressed a little more properly than normal, also the way he seemed a little excited about it too, running around like a chicken with its head cut off. Wriothesley even ordered a few of the guards to get him a prop up table and chairs to drop at the sight and he would everything set up.

Not long rumors started to spread, the reasonable ones and the down right ridiculous ones. Of course, Wriothesley had a good lie ready, but all good lies at least need some of the truth in it, and so he came up with that The Iudex suddenly called for the meeting and wanted to inspect the damages in Meropide over a friendly dinner.

When Sigewinne heard about this she bursted out laughing, Wriothesley crossed his arms and rolled his eyes. He went out of his way to even make the food himself and made extra for her too, how dare she laugh.

She pulled him to her desk and made him sit in the tiny chair of hers. She opened her desk drawer and pulled out a small spray bottle, tilting Wriothesley's head to look up and sprayed it under his neck, wrist, and on his chest.

"What was that?" He asked.

Sigewinne shrugged and tossed the bottle back in the desk drawer. "Neuvillette said he likes it, but I don't know." She lied, not holding back the grin on her face.

Oh great, he has some mysterious spray on him that he only hopes that is cologne that he can't smell. He went to stand back up but Sigewinne stopped him, she ran her hand through his hair to ruffle it up.

"Much better. You looked like a snoody side character in a romance manga."

After that remark Sigewinne backed away to let Wriothesley stand up. He stood, taking in a nervous breath then exhaling. His heart was pounding in his chest, he didn't know why he was so nervous, but he was, any other date he has been on he's never felt like this, or even dressed up this fancy for it, even if it was a simple outfit. He didn't even feel this nervous about helping Neuvillette with his heat.

"Any advice?"

Sigewinne hummed, in thought. "Don't mention the gods, I think that's all you have to worry about." She continued thinking, "Try to find something as a gift for him, he will appreciate it. And this is my input, stray away from work topic of conversation, he will get stressed at remembering how much work he has to do, even if he doesn't seem like it."

Wriothesley mentality noted everything down, he's already got Neuvillette a gift, he just has to do everything else, and wait until he gets there.


The time came for Neuvillette's arrival. Wriothesley stood by the entrance to his office, shifting on his feet, waiting for Neuvillette to walk in. Every few seconds he kept on glancing toward the hallway, hoping for him to be there.

Wriothesley started to shift faster on his feet, thoughts of Neuvillette suddenly standing him up came to mind. His hand gripped tight on the jewelry box in his pocket.

Neuvillette walked in the main room with Clorinde not far behind, he looked around for the man he was looking for. Neuvillette's eyes widened as he spotted Wriothesley, he was staring at the ground and biting his lip, but the most important thing of all is how he looks. Perfect. Gorgeous. That was his. His mate.

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