Chapter 20

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Just as much as Wriothesley would have loved to sit down in his office or bedroom, cuddling against Neuvillette, having dinner with him, having se-

He had to get everything under control with the ladies in meropide. Wriothesley called a few guards to his office, a list of missing items for each guard in hand, and a Neuvillette wrapped around him, sitting in his lap for a group of guards to see.

He just wanted at least one to ask, he couldn't keep back that they were together any longer, and he didn't want to come right out and say it either, he wanted to be asked first before doing so.

Two knocks came from the door before it opened and shut behind the group of five. As they got to the top of the steps they froze as they spotted the peacefully resting Neuvillette clinging onto Wriothesley. The five quickly looked away as they noticed that they were starring, and look at Wriothesley, who was he waved the list to motion them closer to the desk.

The group made their way over slowly, like Neuvillette was a bomb ready to explode at any large movement. Wriothesley started to get annoyed, they were only a foot away from their previous spot.

"You don't have to be quiet, he's not asleep yet." Wriothesley spoke up, his hand running through Neuvillette's hair one last time before stopping.

The group got even closer to the desk, they stood tense, glancing around the room anywhere but at the two in front of them. Wriothesley shook the paper to get their attention once again.

"Here is a list of all that is missing, and if you can't find any of the items Neuvillette has agreed to give the fortress of Meropide extra mora for the replacements." The five picked up a list each, reading through it as Wriothesley continued to talk. "But I prefer if you find most things, so no slacking off." The group nodded, waiting to be told their next orders. "Any other questions? Anything at all?" Wriothesley continued to ask, his hand tapping Neuvillette's lower back.

"What do you want us to ask? Why the Iudex of Fontaine has been living down here in your arms for the past week?"

"Or why the two girls by the door looks suspicious every time you walk out?"

"Or how you both randomly can get in and out of the fortress of meropide without being seen?"

"Are we in danger? Is something about to happen here soon?"

They asked all at once.

Those where quiet the questions that Wriothesley wasn't expecting. The group finally for the first time in minutes seemed relaxed after asking what they were thinking.

"Danger? No that's- no you're not." He sighed but chuckled, "Is it not normal for a couple to live together? And we sneak around out to the exit under my office for we don't get noticed. And the two guards outside the door... I don't know." He said and awkwardly smiled, "Anyway's if you need my help you know where to find me, you can go now"

After the now flustered group of five took the list and left, Wriothesley grinned from ear to ear. He chose the group himself, purposely choosing the most gossiping ones. He hadn't had this much fun missing around with the guards in years, they needed it, especially after what has happened recently with the primordial sea busting. They needed something stupid to worry about instead of something that would keep them up at night worrying.

Wriothesley started to run his hand through Neuvillette's hair again, softly humming as he did so. Neuvillette was relaxed, not a care in the world as he drifted off to sleep. He felt free from worries too, and Wriothesley knew of that, so he just let him stay there until he was completely asleep.

Even if everyone around felt at ease after the primordial sea bursting, even Neuvillette currently, Wriothesley started to get a gut feeling that something worse was coming up. He didn't want to bother anyone else with his stupid feelings, so he decided to keep them to himself, not wanting to bother Neuvillette with them or to worry him, he had enough to worry about and to take care of.

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