Chapter 15

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Neuvillette felt like something was off, like he had slept in. He didn't hear his alarm go off and still woke up. Something tickled his face, he squinted his eyes open, this wasn't his home or office, he looked down and seen the furry gray tickling his face. Everything suddenly came back to him and he raised up in a flash.

This must be Wriothesley room. The smell of fresh tea in the room, steam rolling out from underneath the bathroom door. Neuvillette looked around some more, a cup of water sat by the bed, must be for him. He picked it up and took a sip. Fresh spring water from cider lake. Another look around the room and there was a clock hanging on the wall, 11:30.

Neuvillette choked on the water, his coughing loud enough to worry Wriothesley. The bathroom door was slammed open, half dressed Wriothesley ran out. Only wearing pants, wet hair, and water dripping down his chest. That made Neuvillette blush but choke more.

"Are you okay?"

Neuvillette downed the rest of the water quickly, his coughing stopped. "Yeah. I need to go, i have trials-"

Neuvillette started to get out of then bed when Wriothesley sat down beside him, placing a hand on his shoulder. "Sigewinne and Sedene took care of them. Your health is more important, you need sleep." He explained, "You seem pale then normal. Have you ate in the past few days? Be honest, i will go get you something."

Neuvillette didn't want to bother him, he knows how busy Wriothesley can be, but now since the traveler is down here to investigate he can have some time to spend.

"No. Sorry." Neuvillette avoided eye contact and mumbled.

Wriothesley sighed and stood up, "You need to take better care of yourself." He said, knowing that he sometimes does the same.

Neuvillette watched as Wriothesley walked over to the tiny kitchen area and opened a cabinet. He looked around inside and hummed before pulling out two cans.

"I don't have much since I normally eat from the cafeteria, but i do have chicken soup and spaghetti for the nights i do get hungry." He said with an awkward smile.

"The soup will be fine."

Wriothesley dug around in another cabinet and brought out a pot. He washed it out first considering that he hasn't used it in a bit before opening the can of soup and pouring it it, he turned the stove and let it cook as he continued to get ready for the day.

Neuvillette continued to watch Wriothesley as he got ready, there was nothing else that he could do besides sit there. He was comfortable at least, surrounded by Wriothesley scent and in a place surrounded by his element. He wouldn't mind this everyday thing if it wasn't for the fact that this place is a prison.

Wriothesley's finished getting dressed, but something was missing, Neuvillette couldn't point it out until he looked down and spotted his coat. Neuvillette unraveled the coat of around his body and held it out for Wriothesley to take.

Wriothesley came over and picked it up, he looked for his vision and took it off, placing the coat back in Neuvillette's arms. He hooked the vision around his belt, Neuvillette looked at him confused.

"You seem to like my coat while you were asleep, cuddle it all you want." He explained with a slight teasing tone. "I will also give you one of my shirts, it can't be comfortable to sleep in all those layers." He said then walked to the dresser beside the bed.

Wriothesley found a white shirt that looked like it would also be big on him too. He went to toss it on the bed but instead fell over Neuvillette's head. Wriothesley let out a snicker as Neuvillette removed the shirt.

"I didn't mean for it to hit you." He was holding back a laugh while finding sweat pants for him, compared to the shirt Wriothesley sat the pants on the bed, "Change while I finish the soup." He said before going to the kitchen area.

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