Chapter 5

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When Wriothesley got back to his office the day him and sigewinne went out shopping he wrote a letter to the hydro archon asking to talk. So now he sits in his office waiting for her to appear.

A knock at the door to his office and it opened and shut. And it was not who he was expecting, but yet a ginger standing in his office with a smirk on his face.

"What do you want?" Wriothesley asked, annoyed by his presence.

Childe leaned against the wall, "A chat, you haven't seen me since you let me roam."

They stayed silent for a few seconds, Wriothesley thought childe was going to start if off.

"So Neuvillette?" Childe spoke up first, Wriothesley tensed up at hearing the name. "What's going on there?"

Wriothesley paused his tea drinking and placed his cup back down, "What are you implying?"

"Dinner? You invited him to dinner to just chat? What? About me?"

"Actually yes. We are nothing more then friends, probably barely friends because him and Sigewinne are keeping secrets from me."

"Ooooo drama!" Childe took a seat in front of wriothesley, crossing his legs.

It seems like childe is willing to hear him vent about his problems. "So i asked the hydro archon to come have a meeting because im worried about him and neither of them will tell me what's wrong with him." Wriothesley groaned and rested his head in his hands.

"Tell me everything."

Even though this was a fatui harbinger he was currently talking to, it didn't fell like it. Childe was being his normal self like he's at home with his siblings, wanting to know everything that's happened while he was away. Childe took the mask from the side of his head off and held out his pinky.

"You seem stressed and need to talk. I won't tell a soul, and in return i will tell you something about me and my boyfriend that I haven't said, I promise."

Wriothesley hesitated at first but gave in, he needed to talk to someone other then furina and her loud mouth, or Sigewinne who he would get a scolding by. He locked his pinky with childe and promised each other, even though it did feel childish.

Wriothesley's sucked in a deep breath and started to explain everything that happened with Neuvillette the day before in detail that made childe think long and hard. After he was done Wriothesley leaned back in his chair and waited on childe response to everything.

Childe hummed while thinking, "And he's not human, right?" He asked, Wriothesley nodded. "This is just a very far fetched guess, but depending on what he is, he might be going into heat." He knows, and knows from personal experiences.

Wriothesley's choked on his tea and slammed the cup on the desk. "What? How would you know such thing? How is that even possible?"

Before childe could answer Furina suddenly showed up on the top step of the stairs. "Yay, I don't have to get in trouble with Neuvillette or sigewinne because you guessed it." She said awkwardly.

Was this a dream? Was Wriothesley imagining everything? Did he accidentally drink one of sigewinne's out of date shakes again?

"Too much is happening here." He mumbled.

Furina used her hydro vision to make a seat for herself and took a seat beside childe. "I was going to lie with not revealing that. But you figured it out so I guess you deserve a explanation, without revealing what he is. I would hate myself if i did." She muttered the end, turning her head slightly looking at childe, then fully looking up at him as a thought crossed her mind. "Your the wallet the old man was bragging about." Furina may or may not be pen pals with some archons.

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