Chapter 19

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A filler chapter before shit goes down :3

The night Neuvillette was supposed to mate Wriothesley sadly didn't happen. By the time Neuvillette made it back to the fortress of meropide through the emergency exit, it was already 2AM.

Wriothesley was peacefully sprawled out on his bed, passed out, snoring. Neuvillette waisted no time to get undressed and put on one of Wriothesley's comfortable shirts before joining him in bed.

Wriothesley only woke up for a split second to make room and to cuddle up to Neuvillette before passing out again. They both were exhausted. Soon as Neuvillette shut his eyes he drifted off to sleep.

This went on for a week. In the morning they both began the ritual of waking up together, eating, getting ready, then leaving for work.

When it was one of the days Neuvillette had no meetings or trials he would bring his paperwork to work with Wriothesley. Then by the time work hours is over for Wriothesley, Neuvillette still sometimes refuses to stop working, causing Wriothesley to step in and drag him to bed.

And then finally in the first time in five days they both wasn't busy with work, giving them free time with each other. Even though this was a good time to mate, Wriothesley thought it through some more, not that he didn't want to, he does, he just wants to wait a bit more before he is forever tied to Neuvillette.

Then three more days passed. It has gotten around throughout all the guards of meropide that there's something up between the two, but their not completely for sure. They all had their different theories too.

From Neuvillette being in the office when Wriothesley gotten update reports, or a guard coming to ask a question. They know that he is there, but no one has seen him enter or exit. It started to make them go insane, until a few of them on their days off got together for lunch and looked over the map of meropide, finding the exit.

Wriothesley got a kick out of it when Sigewinne came to talk with him, bringing up the fact that a guard asked about them, saying: "Not to be nosy, but do you know why the chief justice has been down here for the past two days?"

Only the past two days? Wriothesley laughed at that. He was amused at hearing people's theories, as long as they weren't weird, even if they were maybe right.

He thought about that even after Sigewinne left. He should take a walk around meropide with Neuvillette, just to see people's reactions for fun. Oh he was enjoying this a bit too much, even though he didn't like to stir up commotion, it didn't mean it had to be with inmates that happened to hate his boyfriend. No, he would never do that. The guard on the other hand. He wanted to see how long it would take until somebody asked.

He sat back in his chair, propping his legs up on his desk, remembering what Neuvillette said earlier that day, before leaving. That after his meetings he will be back to work on more paperwork.

A knock on the door interrupted his thoughts, the door opened and shut, once again just a guard. The guard wordlessly placed a envelope on Wriothesley desk, bowed, then went off again. One of the let social ones again, they never seem to be bothered with that stuff.

As Wriothesley picked up the envelope he smirked, he could spot Neuvillette's hand writing from a mile away. He opened and read it, letting out a disappointed sigh. This time Wriothesley had to go to him for the monthly meeting between the two of them.

What confused him was at first was, why couldn't Neuvillette just stick to what he was going to do and go down to meropide and have the meeting down there, and the fact that Neuvillette basically knows everything that is happening, he's been living down there for a weak now. What was the point in dragging Wriothesley up to the overworld?

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