Chapter 13

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The long and headache of a week filled with paperwork has ended, Wriothesley can walk around and do what ever he wants. And today he chose to annoy the head nurse.

Sigewinne heard the echoing footsteps and placed down what she was doing, right now she didn't have any patients. She ran up the stairs to see if it was who she thought it was, and it was. He finally came out of his office in two straight days of doing paperwork.

"Your Grace, you've been stuck in your office doing paperwork for the past week with hardly no breaks, I haven't even seen you in two day! You're like Neuvillette!" The little melusine complained.

Wriothesley's gasp, pretending to be offended. "No I am not. I did all my paperwork first for I could have free time for a while, and now I'm done, took a week but it's all done."

Sigewinne ran back to her desk and rummaged through a box. "You're right, you're not like him, if you were you would still be locked up in your office doing nothing but paperwork!" She complained and finally found what she was looking for. A oddly purple and blue milkshake.

She brought the shake over and held it up, Wriothesley's was hesitant to take it, this was his so called punishment after all, but he did, just in case the Iudex of Fontaine to lock him in prison again for not taking her gift.

"I will drink it later." Wriothesley lied.

Sigewinne scoffed and placed her hands on her hips and scoffed, "But I made it specially for you, it's been sitting for two days waiting for you to drink it, or did you forget that this is your punishment, you can't run from it forever."

Well, he's definitely not gonna drink it now. Even though Sigewinne doesn't put anything bad in it, but it still tastes like mud and smells like wet dog. What she puts in it is actually super healthy, maybe a little too healthy if it starts tasting like the planet.

Wriothesley held it slightly away from his face, looking at it like it's a bomb. "Really now? Heh, it looks too good to drink." He once again lied.

"You know you don't have to lie, it's not like Monsieur Neuvillette is gonna pop up suddenly and strike you down." She giggled, knowing that he would probably like that. "But that would be helpful, it may make you actually drink the shake I put my time and effort into making you, Your Grace."

"Sigewinne, stop trying to make me feel bad, and stop trying to scare me, I don't know if he can teleport at the slightest command, and I know he won't. Can he by the way?"

Sigewinne laughed and took a seat in her desk chair. It was a reasonable question. Can he? "You will never know. OooOoOo!" At that exact moment sigewinne heard another familiar set of footsteps.

Well well, speaking of the Iudex. He stuck true to rescheduling the meeting to the fortress of meropide, which Wriothesley happened to forget from all the work. He cleared his throat getting the two's attention, Wriothesley's turned his head around and flinched. There stood Neuvillette and Clorinde at the top of the stairs.

Wriothesley was slightly joking when he asked if Neuvillette could teleport. He stood up from his chair as the two made their way down the stairs.

Wriothesley crossed his arms when he saw Clorinde. "And what's the pleasure of have you here? Does lady Furina want the finest tea that Fontaine carries, because you come to the right place." He joked

Neuvillette tilted his head slightly, "I didn't know the duke also sold tea."

Clorinde sighed, "He wasn't being serious, Monsieur." She told him.

Neuvillette let out a small oh, his cheeks tinting slightly pink, and continued on. Wriothesley thought it was cute and smiled at him.

"My duty is now fulfilled, I will leave you now." Clorinde bowed and said. Neuvillette nodded and she left.

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