Chapter 1 - HUH?!

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Two 16 year olds were sitting on the sofa in the living room of one of the friend's apartments. They were watching an Anime show called One Piece at 12 midnight since it was Saturday which means free time for them!

"This show is so fun! I love it! It makes me want to just go on a crazy adventure like them and Luffy is so adorable! I'd spoil him with all my love." Alora said, smiling at her best friend who's sitting beside her.

"I told you so! Let's be delusional together bestie." Xiamara laughed at her best friend.

Xiamara looked outside the window, only to spot a shooting star, "Alora! Look quick! A shooting star, you wanna wish for fun?"

Alora nods her head as they both closed their eyes and said their wishes in their heads. The shooting star that passed by glowed brighter for a second.

"Let's head to bed, We still have to wake up early tomorrow for the road trip...or else we might encounter your mom in her beast mode." Alora said to Xiamara who groaned in response, "Fine."

The two best friends went to Xiamara's room, not forgetting to say goodnight to each other. Alora laid down on the pulled out bed and quickly fell asleep. As for Xiamara, she was still on her phone scrolling through Instagram until 1am in the morning before finally falling asleep.

The Next Morning...

Alora felt wind passing by her harshly as her hair slapped her face repeatedly. "Huh-wha?"

She woke up and looked around and spotted clouds. "WHAT THE ACTUAL FAAAAAAAAA——!!!!" Alora screamed after finally realizing she was falling from the sky.

Xiamara slowly woke up from her sleep, "What—" She opened her eyes to see a child beside her falling from the sky "HUH?!?!!". Everything clicked together as she realized she was also falling. "AAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!"

The two small figures fell and crashed through the rooftop of a huge house. Everyone in the room was in shock as they backed away to the wall from the sudden impact.

Coughing was heard as the dust from debris cleared up, showing two little girls in nice dresses. The people in the room had their eyes bulged out and jaws dropped.

"EHHHHH!!?!?" They all shouted in unison.

The two little girls stood up, dusting their dresses as they looked at their surroundings before each other. "HUH!? WHO ARE YOU?" The two little girls pointed at each other, unfamiliar with one another.

"WHAT'S GOING ON?!" A woman with orange curly hair walked up to the two little girls as the one with medium length platinum blonde hair and purple eyes stepped in front of the other little girl who seemed to hide behind her.

The girl hiding behind the platinum blonde had short, soft, fluffy black hair and blue eyes as she peeked out from the purple-eyed girl's shoulder.

The orange curly haired woman instantly grew a soft spot for these two as she stared at them. "Why are you staring for so long? Who are you?" Asked the platinum blonde haired girl.

"My name is Dadan, the owner of the house you just crashed into. Now let's get you both treated." The woman replied as she went to get medical supplies from somewhere.

The purple eyed girl was skeptical and shocked at first but she began to follow Dadan to get her minor injuries treated. The blue eyed girl didn't know what to do and hurriedly followed the purple eyed girl.

After Dadan treated their injuries, she left them in a room she offered for them to rest. As both girls looked at each other with wide eyes after they introduced themselves to Dadan a while ago.

"NO WAY! YOU'RE ALORA!? MY BEST FRIEND!? PROVE IT!" The purple eyed girl exclaimed with crossed arms.

"I AM ALORA YOU DUMBASS! Remember the time when you accidentally called our English teacher your mom-!"

"OKAY! OKAY! That was so embarrassing. Hold on, change topic, did that woman just...introduced herself as Dadan...I know I'm not dreaming because we literally just crashed down into the house..." Xiamara looked at Alora with a puzzled look.

"We look different, we sound different...could it be that...? No...that's" Alora began to wonder before continuing,

"What did we do...No it really because of that wish..?"

Xiamara looked at her with wide eyes, "It's possible...? What did you wish for?"

"That it would be perfect if we'd be in the One Piece world because I want to escape my hectic life." replied Alora

"NO WAY, ME TOO! We're so delusional. Like they say, being delulu is the solulu." Xiamara laughs before giving a look of disbelief, "But I never thought it would actually come true..."

"Yeah...But now we're in a child's body! I'D say I'm about 8 or 9 years old! You look older than me...let's say about 1 year older?" Alora said.

"Really? Great?" Xiamara said, not knowing what to reply.

"Wait a minute, In what timeline are we in becau—" Xiamara was interrupted by the door sliding open, revealing a little boy with black hair and freckles in a yellow tank top.

"Hi—" Xiamara was about to say as the little boy widened his eyes after seeing the two girls in the room. He quickly shut the door and ran away to probably where Dadan is.

"Oh... it's okay, Mara." Alora patted her back. Xiamara glares at her friend as Alora just laughs.

"This will be entertaining as hell!" Alora said, smirking at her best friend. 

End notes: 

Hope you enjoyed! Sorry if it's a bit short! But anyways, our characters are now in the one piece world! yay! What will they do now?? 

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