Chapter 6 - Took You Long Enough!!

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3rd POV:

Suddenly Porchemy pulls out a sword. "FINE!! THEN DIE!" He says.

"NO!! GET AWAY FROM HIM! LET ME GO!!" Xiamara shouts

Suddenly, the wall breaks and everyone turns their heads in shock. Pieces of wood flying towards them.

"STOP!!" Ace and Sabo shout loudly, both armed with a metal pipe as their weapon.

"AAAACEEEE!!!!" Luffy cried out.

"ACE!! SABO!!" Xiamara exclaimed with widened eyes.

Sabo and Ace began to fight the pirates, knocking them down simultaneously.

Footsteps follow them, and a petite little girl appears. "I finally found you guys!" Alora shouts huffing and puffing. She runs towards Xiamara as Sabo and Ace engage in battle

Alora reaches Xiamara and kneels beside her. "Stay still Mara '' Alora says, pulling out a dagger. She then begins to cut Xiamara's ropes.

"PORCHEMY!" The pirates shout as he falls to the ground from a hit sent by Sabo. Sabo then grabs a knife and frees Luffy from his bindings.

Alora finally breaks Xiamara's ropes and pulls her to run, "We gotta go, SABO, ACE TIME TO GO WE GOT THEM!" she shouts at the two.

Xiamara looks at them with a disappointed but happy face. "What took you guys so long?!" She exclaimed as they all ran away.

Sabo runs to the exit, Luffy under his arm. "Let's go Ace!!" he shouts. "Go on without me!!" Ace shouts back at him, back turned and ready to fight again as Porchemy gets up

"Ace!" Xiamara yells as she stops in her tracks. "Mara, we gotta go!" Alora shouts stopping too, turning back to her friend.

Xiamara ran, ignoring the shouts of her friends. A furious Xiamara stood beside Ace's side and positioned herself in a fighting stance

'I can no longer play around this time.'

"You idiots!!! Stop!! He has a sword!!! He's different from the punks in town!!!" Sabo exclaimed.

"YEAH, THIS IS AN IN AND OUT MISSION ACE!" Alora shouts at him. Suddenly Xiamara grabs Alora's dagger and rushes to Ace's side.

"You wanna fight? Fine, but I'm fighting with you" She tells Ace. He nods at her getting into position.

"Hey, Hold on a second!" Sabo shouts, throwing Luffy to Alora who catches him then rushing to aid Xiamara and Ace. "YOU THREE ARE IDIOTS!" Alora shouts at them, still holding Luffy.

Ace and Sabo with their metal pipes, charged at the enemy who's laughing hysterically. The boys striked Porchemy simultaneously while Xiamara was hitting him with powerful kicks and punches. The three of them beat him up until Porchemy drops on the ground, unconscious.

Later in the forest...

"WAAAAHH!! BOO-HOO-HOO!!" Luffy cries loudly. Alora rushes to him.

"Aww Luffy, don't cry please? It's over now, those sons of a biscuit , especially that Porcky guy won't hurt you anymore" she says, patting his head gently while hugging him, trying to cease his tears.

"You got a real bad habit, Ace! How can you refuse to run away when you're up against a real pirate! Why do you have such a death wish?!" Sabo scolds Ace

"After this... Bluejam's whole crew's gonna want revenge. They'll hunt us forever!" Sabo continues

Xiamara was seated on a huge tree's roots with her legs and arms crossed as she had a huge band aid on her head. "Oh stop being a worrywart, Sabo. We can simply just beat them up." she said, cracking her knuckles.

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