Chapter 4 - Bonding Time!

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3rd POV:

"I hate..Mountain robbers!!" Luffy exclaimed.

"Shut it, brat, we're tired of you! If you don't like it here, get out and starve to death!!" Dadan retorted.

"This is too little. I want that meat too..." Luffy drooled at the sigh of the meat Ace was eating.

"This meat is from the buffalo Ace and Xiamara captured!! He gives us some and that goes in our plates. The mountain robbers arent in shape recently...You will have a lot of work tomorrow!!! You will clean, do the laundry, polish our shoes and weapons! As well as robb, steal, swindle and murder people! And you must not tell Garp what you are doing here!" Dadan took a huge bite out of the meat.

"A bowl of rice and a cup of water a day is all you can have. Anything else you have to get...or grow up on your own!"

Alora then puts some rice and meat from her plate to Luffy's "Here you go Luffy, eat up. I don't eat too much, anyways growing boys like you need nutrients right?" she tells him.

Luffy's face lit up, "REALLY? I CAN HAVE THIS? THANK YOU—um"

"You can call me Ali, and how about we make a deal?" Alora asks Luffy.

"What kinda deal?" Luffy asks Alora, voice muffled due to the food in his mouth. She smiles and says "Well... I was thinking you help me out tomorrow so you can earn your place in the house. I was gonna search for some fruits and flowers tomorrow."

The Next Day...

Alora gets up early, she rubs her eyes and looks outside. 'Suns out, but not too sunny and not too cloudy. What a nice day we'll have today' she thinks as she gets up and changes to her day outfit.

Later after lunch when everyones eaten their fill she decided to head out. "Cmon Luffy, let's head out!" she tells him grabbing a basket and a hat.

"Okay! Let's go!" Luffy grins, giggling as both of them went outside. Alora smiles softly and follows Luffy.

A while later they find a small clearing with plants growing some fruits. "Luffy, come here I found some fruits for us to pick!" She tells him as she starts to pick some strawberries from a bush.

"COMING!" Luffy shouts and runs towards the girl. They start picking out fruits from bushes that they found nearby but of course without Luffy secretly eating some.

They decided to rest a bit after. Alora handed Luffy some berries for him to munch on. "Here's some berries, this is your reward for being such a good boy and helping me out today."

"For me?! Thanks Ali!" Luffy says starting to munch on the berries. Practically inhaling them. 'He must be really hungry if he's eating that fast' Alora thought, sweat dropping.

Alora stands up and dusts herself off, "Hey Luffy, I'm just going to be over there. I saw some pretty flowers and I want them. Stay here alright?" She tells him, but Luffy's too busy eating the berries and just nods.

Alora goes over to the corner of the clearing where she saw the flowers, she starts to pick them up and hums while she does it. Unbeknownst to her Luffy saw two shadows and being the adventurous boy he is follows them.

A while later Alora looks back to check on Luffy and sees him gone. Her eyes widened in panic. "Luffy?" She calls out slowly. "Luffy come out please? This isn't funny!" She shouts. She decided to run and try to look for

Ace and Xiamara went to their current hideout on a huge tree near the Grey Terminal, unbeknownst to them that someone was secretly following behind.

"Oh Sabo! Sabo! Let down your hair!" Xiamara dramatically says.

"But, I don't have any hair! I mean–! My hair is short!" He yelled from the top of the tree. The two of them below laughed at his response before climbing up.

Sabo began to count money from the sack that Ace stole, "Awesome! You got more than me! This is a lot of cash. How did you do it?!"

"Psh, that's not even close to half of what I got." Xiamara smirked as pulled out a bigger sack of cash.

"WHAT!?! HOW DID YOU GET THAT MAN—-" Sabo was cut off by Xiamara dropping another sack of cash.

Ace and Sabo had their eyes bulged out with their jaws dropped on the floor. "WHERE DID THAT OTHER ONE COME FROM!!??"

Xiamara flipped her hair with a proud smirk showing on her features, "Secret."

"EEEEEHH?!?" they both exclaimed in unison.

"And I...won again, having the most money to give." Xiamara stuck out her tongue at Ace. Ace glared at her in response.

"It's been five years since we've started saving, Ace." Sabo looked at the stash of money in their hidden compartment.

"Now that Xiamara is here, our savings have doubled up! Thank you so much, Xia! I wonder how much we need to buy a pirate ship." Sabo said smiling.

'GAHHH!!! HE'S SO ADORABLE!!!' Xiamara thought as she brought Sabo in for a hug which he gladly returned.

Ace grumbles before speaking, "Who knows...but we still have a long way to go! Hurry and close it! Who knows who will see us..."

"Pirate ship!? You guys want to be pirates!? Me too!" Shouted a familiar voice from below. Ace and Sabo were in disbelief seeing that someone had found their hideout.

"Oh? Hi Luffy!" Xiamara peeked down and waved at him. "Wait... LUFFY?!"

Ace and Sabo tied Luffy to a tree. "So this is the Luffy guy you two were talking about..." Sabo glared at Luffy

"So you finally came all the way here...and you did it by using the path even a human couldn't walk through" Ace glared down at him.

"Hey! Are you a friend of Ace and Xia? Let's be friends!" Luffy grins.

"Shut up!"

"He knows our secret, if we leave him be, he'll tell someone. Let's...kill him." Ace said

"I agree!" Sabo responded.

"WHAAAATTT!??!?" Luffy yelled.

Xiamara stood in front of Luffy with an upset face as she crossed her arms. She flicks them hard on their foreheads as they fall to the ground and groan in pain.

"Don't even think about it."

End notes: 

Awww they're bonding!! 

See you next chapter!!

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