Chapter 17 - Leaving Again

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3rd Pov:

After 6 months again...

It was early in the morning and surprisingly, a certain platinum-blonde haired woman was in the dining hall, enjoying her breakfast.

"Whatcha doing there, pretty? My name's Teach, wanna eat together?" He asked with a smile. Xiamara was too focused on your food to even hear him speak. Without response, he sat beside her and started eating.

Noticing his presence, Xiamara did not choose to take even a glance at him even if he tried talking to her. Teach just earns grunts or hums from her, not a word out of her mouth. 'Aint no way im gonna talk to that mf.' Xiamara thought bitterly.

Xiamara finished her food and placed her plate on the sink before getting the hell outta there before Teach could even open his mouth again. "It'll be better to stay away from that thing. I don't want him coming after me in the future..." Xiamara mumbled under her breath before proceeding to find Whitebeard.

For six months, Alora and Xiamara have stayed with the Whitebeard pirates. Xiamara would often visit Whitebeard's room or stay near him if he's out sitting on his chair on the ship's deck. She's been hanging out with Izo lately, she would act as Izo's doll, dressing her up in different pretty kimonos and doing her makeup because he says that Xiamara's looks are wasted on the old clothes she has since Alora and her don't really buy clothes.

'You would be an Oiran back in my country.' Izo would say to Xiamara who sweat dropped in return, not knowing what to say since she thinks she's not pretty enough to be all that..

Meanwhile Alora's been hanging out with Marco, he's been helping her with her healing power seeing as he can do the same. Alora got more experience as a medic by working with Marco and the other nurses and doctors, she learned more about how to treat different injuries and illnesses. Alora also tried healing Whitebeard a bit, and it worked. Whitebeard had regained some strength in himself.

Alora had also decided to train more, so she sparred with Marco, Thatch, Izou, and Xiamara. She was able to improve her skills, and got more experience in fighting people. Alora and Xiamara also took time to explore more about their powers and what they can do with it.

Alora had looked for a book in regards to powers angels might have, luckily she found one in the religious section of a bookshop in an island the Whitebeard pirates had stopped by to restock on supplies. On the other hand, Xiamara just experimented with her powers because there are no records of her devil fruit even existing so it became rather a challenge for her to discover more about her powers.

Xiamara was sitting on Whitebeard's right leg, happily telling random stories. Whitebeard was smiling, attentively listening to her talking non-stop. It did not annoy Whitebeard, he actually enjoys and appreciates Xiamara spending time with him since the others would sometimes be busy with their own stuff but Xiamara chooses to spend time together with him most of the time. He really found the daughters he wished he had.

"MARA! BILISAN MO NA! IIWAN KITA SIGE!" Alora shouted from the other side of the boat, as Xiamara was chatting with Whitebeard she was packing up their things with the help of Thatch. Alora finished putting the things on their boat, 'I should say bye to everyone... Yeah imma do that'


Xiamara looked at Whitebeard with a frown as their story telling session had been cut short, she had forgotten that today was the time for them to leave. Whitebeard looked at Xiamara with a smile.

"Don't look so down, my daughter. I'm certain that we will see each other somewhere on the seas again. By then, would you still tell me your stories?" he asks as he places his huge hand on her head, patting it gently.

Xiamara grinned, "Of course! I'll tell you about everything that will happen on my journey. See you then, Pops!" She then tightly hugged Whitebeard before her form glowed bright white before disappearing in a grey-ish smoke-like mist.

Xiamara then appeared behind Thatch who let out a high-pitched scream then quickly covered his mouth as he turned to look at Xiamara who was snickering along with Marco who was walking by. She then said her goodbyes to them before vanishing again.

Alora then appeared in front of Marco and gave him a hug, "See you again Marco!". She then proceeded to teleport to Thatch, hug him and say her goodbyes. She did this with the rest of the people she was close to, finally she teleported in front of Whitebeard. Alora then flew up and hugged him, "Thank you Pops! For everything. I'll be sure to write letters to you guys, Promise!"

Alora then teleported to Xiamara who was now on their boat which upgraded to a bigger one by the way, they both have their own rooms now and more room for dining area/living room.

"Are you ready Alo? We've completed our personal goal by hanging out with Red hair and Whitebeard pirates! But now we have to survive and set sail on our own."

"Yeap, now to double check if we got everything. Have you said your goodbye's yet? Did you make sure you have all your stuff? Nothing left behind?"

"Done with my goodbyes, all my stuff is here. Let's set sail!" Xiamara said, untying the sails. Alora then grabbed a map and sat on the table, "Okay where do we head now?"

"Hmm...we don't have a specific destination, right? Then let's just go with where our boat takes us. Whatcha think of 2 years of freedom?" Xiamara said with a smirk. "Sounds like a lot of time to cause chaos." Alora smirked back. 

End notes:

They're sailing again! Good luck to them!

Hope you enjoyed the chapter!

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