Chapter 3 - Getting to Know

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3rd POV:

Alora was hanging up clothes on the clothesline that she just finished washing a moment ago. 'Whoo... that was tiring.' She thought as she finished hanging up the clothes.

As a huge boar came into Alora's view she stumbled down with wide eyes, "WHA—"

"Hey Alo, we got something for lunch!" Xiamara said, following behind Ace. Alora followed them behind, offering to cook the board for them.

"This is the least we can do for Dadan! Let's cook it together." Xiamara said as Alora gave a hum of agreement. "Ace! Can you place the boar here?"

"Sure." Ace did what Xiamara told him to do. Both the two girls got their aprons and began to remove the fur of the boar, they then chop off the parts that aren't needed. Alora seasoned the meat as Xiamara grabbed the needed ingredients.

Ace sat there and watched them do the cooking. He was slightly surprised how skilled they were in cooking meat at their age. Little did he know, they aren't actually little girls.

'All those cooking lessons from school paid off hahaha... Take that dad! the cooking club ain't a waste of time' Alora thought as they put the boar over the fire, cooking it.

During those hours of cooking the 3 children spent, Xiamara and Alora were growing a bond with Ace. Ace seemed to start talking more and become comfortable around the 2 girls. Sometimes Ace would quickly hunt for more food as per request since he would get to do the taste testing in return.

"Ace, can you please get the huge plate in the cabinet? The meat is done cooking."


"The fish is finished!" Xiamara took out the steamed fish from the pan and placed it on a plate. She then prepared the bowls, glass and utensils for each and everyone in the house.

After placing the mouth-watering dishes down, Dadan and the others came back from who knows where. "Welcome back, Dadan and the others! Alora and I cooked you these meals as a thank you for letting us stay here!" Xiamara and Alora sent them a close-eyed smile.

The men behind Dadan felt so touched that they started to sob before digging in the feast that was prepared for them. Dadan looked at the two girls with a shocked face as her cigarette fell down from her mouth. "...WHAT?!"

"Please help yourself, Miss Dadan. The others too, there's enough for everyone." Alora tells them. Alora then passes plates to everyone. "Mara, help me out here."

"Huh what?" Xiamara was sitting beside Ace, already eating because she was afraid that the food would run out seeing how the men were eating. Alora sighs at her friend, "Nevermind...Is the food good?"

"Of course, we're the ones who made it." Xiamara said before eating a spoonful of rice. "You always say that though, how about you Ace? Any opinions on the food?" Alora asks as she sits down beside Xiamara.

"...He's busy...fighting for food. That means he really likes it!" Xiamara let out a giggle, seeing Ace having a tug-o-war with one of Dadan's men. Alora sweat drops at the scene, "Ace, please don't fight them over food that's mean. Here's some more" She puts more meat on his plate from hers 'I'm not that hungry anyways'

Ace won the fight and got a big chunk of meat. He chows down the meat like he never ate for a year, finishing everything on his plate in seconds. "I...I don't know what to say to be honest." Xiamara says.


A year has gone by, Xiamara was now 11 years old and as for the other two, they turned 10. A loud knock and a shout was heard, "DADAN!!! GET OUT HERE!!!"

Dadan quickly opened the door, "G...Garp-san! You need to hurry up and give me a break already!!! That Ace boy's already 10, you know!! And I have two more brats!! I'm not gonna be able to handle more of this!! Take him back already, would you?! At least the other two are helpful around the house!"



The other bandits exclaimed. As Dadan and Garp were talking, the little boy Garp brought wandered around but was stopped with a spit on his face. "SPIT!? GROSS!! HEY WHO DID THIS?!"

"Hey, Ace! Oh, Who's that? Is that one of the brats you're taking care of?" Garp grinned.

"WOAAHHH!!! YOU CAME HOME, ACE!?! XIAMARA!?" Dadan exclaimed as Xiamara waved at them. Ace and Xiamara were sitting on a buffalo they hunted down for dinner.

"That's Ace, he's three years older than you. You're gonna live with him from today onwards, so better get along, got it!?" Garp told the kid.

Xiamara hopped down and walked towards the very familiar people who just came. She tried to play it cool as she stopped in front of the new kid.

"Hi! My name is Xiamara, I heard that you're 3 years younger than Ace, which means you're younger than me by 4 years! Since I'm 11." Xiamara stood proudly with her hands resting on each side of her hips while the boy tried to comprehend what she just said.

Garp laughed out loud, "Very interesting! Xiamara, why don't you come with me and I'll train you to become a strong marine!"

Xiamara began to think carefully of this offer. 'If I become a some point I'll have to face the hardest decisions in my life...and I'll have to...see Akainu's face often-! Disgusting! I'll pass.'

"Sorry but I'll have to decline your offer, Garp-s—"

"Call me Grandpa! May I know the reason why you declined my offer?"

"Thank you for your kind offer Mr. Garp, my name is Alora but Mara and I don't want to work for the government." Alora interrupts, going to the side of her best friend.

Garp raises one of his eyebrows, "And why don't you want to work for the government?"

Alora was about to respond but Ace called their attention, "Alora, Xia, Let's go." Xiamara and Alora quickly followed Ace who went into the house with the buffalo.

"That was close, Alo! Great now, Garp is going to be suspicious unless he disregards the thought." Xiamara whisper-yelled at Alora while preparing the ingredients to cook.

"I wasn't gonna blow our cover..." Alora says pouting. Alora then starts to help Xiamara cook. "What ingredients do we have today?" She asks Xiamara.

"Well we got the buffalo, onion, garlic, etc." Xiamara tells her. "I know what we should cook today! Let's make adobo, I kinda miss eating Filipino food, girlie" Alora said.

(adobo is a type of filipino dish)

"... YOU ARE SO GENIUS! I bet they'll love it!" Xiamara exclaimed

End notes: 

Sorry for the short chapters, still hope u enjoyed. 

Anyways, we learned more about Alora and Xiamara. Yay! Also- fooood 

See you next chapter

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