Chapter 7 - Bonding Time pt. 2

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3rd POV:

"GOMU GOMU NO...PISTOL!!!" Luffy shouts out and stretches his arm, attempting to throw a punch at Ace but his fist bounced back and hit his own face.

"What do you think...You're even doing?!!" Ace kicks Luffy's face with both of his feet. ' is young Ace this strong?!...' Xiamara sweat drops.

"A~nd Match! Ace is the winner!!" Sabo says putting another mark on the board. "Is that ability of yours really good for anything?" Ace asks Luffy.

"Ughhh... It's not working properly! Once I get this attack working how it's meant to... You guys won't know what hit you all right?!" Luffy shouts, still laying on the ground.

"ONE MORE ROUND!!" Luffy demands, "Sorry, but it's only 100 rounds per day per person. Try again tomorrow." Ace says rejecting Luffy.

"And as usual, Luffy's lost to me, Xia and Ace 50 times each. Me and Ace are at 24-26 and then...Xia and I are at 28-22...DAMMIT–!!!" Sabo says.

"WELL, WHEN I'M TEN YEARS OLD, I'LL BEAT THE THREE OF YOU UP!!" Luffy says angrily as Xiamara just laughs at him. "I'm sure you'll improve Luffy." Xiamara says, giving him a warm smile while Luffy just pouts at her.

"When you're ten, we'll both be thirteen and Xia will be fourteen. Come on, let's go catch dinner." Ace said.

"All right!"

"How does crocodile sound?" 

"Crocodile sure is tasty~~!!"

"Alo and I will make adobo using crocodile meat!" Xiamara said cheerfully as the three boys' mouths watered as they imagined eating the sweet and savoury dish.

"Try not to get eaten this time, all right Luffy?! It was only blind luck that it swallowed you whole last time!" Sabo said

The three boys with their metal pipes in hand as they jumped down in the waters full of crocodiles. Xiamara followed after, readying to strike with her self made chain whip.

The three boys and Xiamara went home with an unconscious tied up crocodile. "Eh? She went to the village? Alright. Sabo! Ace! help me with the cooking please." Xiamara faced the two boys

"Okay!" Both of them respond with grins. "Luffy don't go stealing food, okay? Just ask and I'll give you some." Xiamara says.

Luffy sends her a cheeky smile as he nods. 'He's so obvious...' Sabo, Ace and Xiamara sweat drops.

Meanwhile with Alora, a few minutes ago... 

In Foosha village, Alora is walking there with one of the bandits escorting her.

"Thanks Dogra! You can pick me up later." she tells him.

"You sure you'll be alright alone? I mean it's your first time here and Dandan asked me to look after ya?" Dogra asks her. "I'll be fine." She replies.

"If you say so kid. I'll pick you up here around 5 in the afternoon, you be here by then alright?" Dogra tells Alora. She nods and walks away.

'Now... to find the book shop' Alora thought to herself looking around as she walked further into town. As she was looking around she was not paying attention much to her surroundings, when suddenly she bumped into a person.

Alora falls to the ground, 'Ouch... That kinda hurts. My hands...' she thinks, looking at her hands with a bit of small rocks and dirt on it. She looks up to the person she bumped into.

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