Chapter 8 - Sworn Brothers

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"WHO IS?!"

"I AM!!"

"" Luffy and Ace started to pick their nose.

"YOU'RE THE ONES WHO WANTED TO KNOW!!!" Sabo exclaimed, "..The truth is both of my real parents are still out there...i'm not a real orphan..and i wasn't born on the trash heap, either..the man who was trying to stop me just now was my father. I'm sorry I had to lie to you."

"Well, If you're sorry, then that's fine!! I forgive you." Luffy said with a smile.

"I'm actually pretty shocked by this. If you were born into a noble household...why would you end up on the trash heap?" Ace said while walking away and Sabo began having flashbacks.

"I'm not surprised, I knew it. It's pretty obvious by how he dresses" Xiamara says. Ace looked at her with his jaw dropped, "WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME? I THOUGHT I WAS YOUR BEST FRIEND ASIDE FROM ALI??? I BET YOU HAVE MORE SECRETS YOU HAVEN'T TELL ME, HUH? SPILL IT!" Ace exclaims, shaking Xiamara.

Xiamara sweat drops, slowly looking away from Ace, 'I CAN'T TELL HIM THAT I LIKE HOT MEN WITH ABS AT THIS AGE-' she screams in her mind, "I DON'T HAVE MORE, OKAY! HOW ABOUT YOU, HUH?" This time Xiamara's the one who's shaking him

"I-!!"Ace looked at Xiamara with wide eyes. He quickly turned his head to the side with a pinkish hue dusted over his cheeks.

"Hey guys!" Alora said, walking towards them, a basket in one hand, 2 two books in the other. Everyone jumped a bit and turned to her in surprise.

"Aloooo!!!" Xiamara grinned, letting go of Ace as she ran towards Alo to hug her. Ace sighed in relief, sending Alora a nod which means 'Thanks for saving me'

"What are you guys talking about?" She asks, accepting the hug from Xiamara.

"Sabo is a nobel! Or was it noobie? I forgot." Luffy answered with a grin.

'Ohhh... we're at this part now, ok.' Alora thought, gasping. Pretending she's shocked she says "Really? I didn't know that?"

"It's noble, Luffy! I'm sorry I kept this secret from you, Ali..." Sabo looked down at his feet. Alora then puts her books in the basket, hands it to Xiamara then proceeds to run to Sabo and hug him.

"Awww... Sabo, that doesn't change anything at all. You may be of noble blood but you're still you, alright? And that's all that matters" She reassured him, letting go of the hug to hold his face with both her hands gently.

"Uh-...I-" Sabo's face heated up as he started malfunctioning, but quickly recovered to give a proper answer, "T..Thank you, Ali..." Alora smiles at him gently and kisses his cheek, leaving Sabo speechless.

She then heads back to Xiamara and proceeds to get her belongings from her. Xiamara and Ace looked at her with their jaws dropped while Luffy just laughed at Sabo's expression.

"I brought some food with me, I thought you guys might be hungry. I got sandwiches, cookies, cinnamon rolls, apple slices, and some juice." Alora says, showing the contents of her basket. "Yay! Food!" Luffy cheered as he began to dig in, later on the other two boys joined Luffy.

Xiamara scurried to Alora and began to whisper to her, "Girl! What was that move a while ago? Are my eyes deceiving me?!" She whisper-yelled at Alora. "I'm sorry! I couldn't help it! He needs all the love and affection of this world! Look at him!" Alora replied, whisper-yelling back.

"Ali, Ace, Xiamara, Luffy...We have to make it out to sea someday!! We'll leave this country behind...and gain our freedom!!" Sabo tells them, "I want to see the world in all its glory and write a book about all the things I find!! If it's sailing I'm studying for, then I don't care how hard I have to work!! We've got to get stronger and become real pirates!!" he finishes.

Ace, Luffy, Xiamara and Alora grinned widely at Sabo as Ace started to speak, "You don't need to tell me that! I'm gonna become a pirate, beat every last person who stands in my way...and earn myself the kind of glory that dreams are made of!! Only then will my life have been worth living!! I don't care if the whole world refuses to accept me..they can hate me all they like! I'll become a great pirate and prove I'm betterI'm better than them all!! I won't run from anybody!! I'll never lose!! I don't care if they end up terrified of me!! I'm just gonna make sure the whole world knows my name!!"

"That was a long-ass speech..." Xiamara whispered out.

"SHISHISHI! All right well, then.. I'M GONNA...!!"

"HUH?!" Sabo and Ace said in disbelief as Luffy laughed while Xiamara and Alora simply smiled at him, knowing what happens in the future. "...of all the could come out with..." Ace trailed off.

"AHAHAHA! Man, you're one crazy guy!! You're one to keep an eye on, and that's for sure!!" Sabo laughed. "But..isn't it gonna be a problem if all three of us want to be captain?" Sabo said.

"...Yeah, that could be an issue. I always thought you were gonna be my navigator, Sabo." Ace looked at him.

"What? You guys should join my ship!!" Luffy exclaims. Xiamara and Alora were just sitting on a tree root as they munch on some snacks that Alora secretly brought because she knew the boys would devour the food.

"Did they...forget that we're still here...?" Alora asked, smiling with a sweat drop. "Yep, definitely." Xiamara replied.

Ace brought out booze he stole from Dadan and began to pour it on the sake dish cups. The two girls rejected the offer of drinking sake because they don't really like alcohol.

"Did you guys know? If you exchange drinks then you can become brothers." Ace said.

"Brothers?! Really?!!" Luffy said excitedly as Sabo smiled.

"When we become pirates, we may not be able to end up on the same crew...but the bond of our brotherhood we share will never die!! No matter where we are or what we do...This is one bond we can never break...!!"

"Starting today, we...ARE BROTHERS!!" Ace proclaims.


And so, they indeed became brothers. Causing trouble together, playing around together, eating as much as they can together...They basically did everything together. Through thick and thin, they were always there for each other.

Because of Garp continuously beating the trio up every visit while he treats the two girls nicely, the three boys decide to move out and build a tree house somewhere in the jungle.

"Where could have they gone? I'm worried for them..." Alora, who has been worried the whole time, asks Xiamara.

"I'm not sure... I'll go look for them, you stay here in case anything happens get help, alright?" Xiamara says and Alora nods. So Xiamara sets off to look for the trio of brothers.

The sun was already down and Xiamara still kept on searching for the three boys. "Where the hell are they, I swear-!" Xiamara came across a tree with a tree house on it, "Oh."

Xiamara climbs up onto the tree house and quietly walks to the door. "Lu-!" The set booby trap activated as Xiamara dodged all of them swiftly.

Luffy and Ace got alerted by the trap setting off. "What-!!" Luffy exclaimed.

"You could set up some better traps, you know." Xiamara said, walking in the room. "X-XIA??!" The two boys shouted.

"So where's Sabo?" Xiamara asks them. The two boys had a shadow casted over their faces as they began to explain. Xiamara showed a shocked expression despite knowing what had happened to Sabo.

"We'll get him back."

'I'm sorry...'

"We'll get him back."

End notes:

I wonder... What did Luffy say? The girls know now, unfortunately we don't.


Hope you enjoyed the chapter!

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