Chapter 9 - Tragedy

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The Grey Terminal was in flames as Ace, Luffy and Xiamara face off against the Bluejam Pirates.

"That's right!! All Sabo ever wanted was to be free!!!" Luffy shouts, biting the pirate holding him back.

"AAGHHH!! DAMN BRAT...!!" The pirate shouts, pulling his sword from his back. Luffy, seeing this immediately puts his pipe in front of himself to block the pirate's attack.

The pirate cuts Luffy's metal pipe in half which also cuts his skin. "LUFFY!!!" Ace shouted as he lunged towards him but was held back by one of the pirates.

The pirate who was with Luffy raised his sword, preparing to finish him. "DON'T YOU DARE TOUCH LUFFY!!!" A sudden surge of an invisible force released the moment Ace shouted. Every pirate except for the captain stopped moving and dropped on the ground one by one as they started foaming from their mouths.

"WHAT DID YOU JUST DO, YOU FILTHY LITTLE URCHIN?!!" The captain of the bluejam pirates slams Ace on the ground with his foot and aims a gun at him. "ACE?!!" Luffy yelled out for his brother.

"Give it up already, YOU STINKING SEA MONSTERS!!! GET YOUR HANDS OFF OF ACE!!!" Dadan counter attacked Bluejam with her axe. Bluejam skids back a bit from Dandans attack as Luffy and Ace turn to Dandan in shock and surprise.

"DADAN...!!" Luffy shouts in surprise.

"Luffy! Ace! Mara! Are you guys alright?!" Alora shouts as she runs towards Luffy Dogra following behind.

"What are you all doing here?!!!"

"There we go!!"

"Dogra...!!!" Luffy shouts as Dogra picks him up. "Isn't that Sabo kid with you?!" Dogra asks.

"Sabo's safe... He's not with us...!"

"Diyos ko po! Are you alright Luffy?! We need to patch you up!" (Translation : Oh my God!) Alora kneels before him and Dogra, pulling out a first aid kit. "Mara! Get your butt over—!" Alora deadpanned, seeing Xiamara already beside Ace.

"Why, you... You're the boss of those ruffians from mount Colbo...!" Bluejam says to Dandan.

"I'm Dandan the bandit!! And for better or worse... I happen to be the guardian of these brats here Brats!" Dandan shouts.

"Now then..." Dandan and the bandits turn to the opposite way and start running.

"RUN FOR IT!!!" Dandan shouts



Ace didn't run with the rest of the bandits, he stayed in place with a determined look on his face.

"I... Won't run!!!" Ace declares. Xiamara smiled, getting ready with her chain whip. "Let's do this."

"Diyos ko po, kayong dalawa... Hay... Mag Ingat kayong dalawa ha! Di kayo pwede mamatay. Or I will bring you both back from the dead and kill you myself!" (Translation: Oh my God, you two take care of yourselves okay! You both can't die.) Alora shouts towards the two, holding on to Dogra's hand who is pulling her away.

"A woman...and two children. If you start getting overconfident just because you're a little handy in a fight, you could end up in a bloody mess. The only people who survive on the battlefield...are the strong and the cowards. The brave meet with early death..that's just how the world works!!!" Bluejam exclaimed as the other 3 were looking at him with a hard stare.

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