Chapter 14 - The Red Haired Pirates

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Alora opened her eyes, rubbing her eyes as she sat up. The sun was now up and it was hurting her eyes. "Anong oras na... mukhang maaga pa..." (Translation: What time is looks like it's still early...) Alora then got up to fold her sleeping bag and turned her head to look at Xiamara who's still sleeping. She smiled and put away her sleeping bag and walked away to get dressed. She slipped on a white long-sleeved blouse then her dark blue high waisted pants then her shoes.

She got off their boat and walked to the kitchen of the Red Force. Once she opened the door she saw Lucky Roo who's preparing breakfast for the crew. "Morning Lucky Roo, can I help you prepare breakfast?" Alora asked him.

"Oh! Good morning Alora! You're an early bird, aren't you? You're more than welcome to prepare breakfast with me." Lucky Roux grinned at her. Alora grinned back at him and helped him prepare breakfast for everyone.

Once they were done preparing breakfast, Alora made coffee, tea, and juice to accompany it. She handed Lucky Roo a cup of coffee and drank her own cup of tea. "Whoo... That was tiring, should we call em or wait for em to wake up?" Alora asked.

"Wake them up but don't worry, I got this." Lucky Roux grinned and went outside the kitchen with a wooden spatula and a huge pan. Lucky Roux stopped in the middle of the ship's deck and started to slam the spatula against the pan, "WAKE UP EVERYONE!! BREAKFAST IS READY!!!" He shouted out as multiple footsteps can be heard going towards the kitchen while the other commanders including the captain slowly opened the door with a yawn.

The crew came in through the doors one by one, some were already awake and others seemed to be still sleepy and looked hungover. "Oh! Alora! Good morning!" Shanks came in, grinning.

"Did you help Lucky Roux make breakfast?" Benn came in after and asked her.

"Woah! It looks tasty!" Yasopp said while getting his plate full of food.

The others began to also compliment her and Alora started blushing due to embarrassment. Alora covered her face with both her hands, "Please stop... I just helped out. Was the least I could do."

"Hey...are you sure you don't want to join my crew?" Shanks asks with puppy eyes before eating a spoon full of food. "No thank you Shanks, me and Mara plan to join another crew in the future." Alora replied.

Breakfast was relatively calm, a bit loud but it's due to the chatter from the crew members. Everyone ate and was satisfied with breakfast made by Alora and Lucky Roo.

Alora stood up from the table and excused herself. "I'll go check up on Mara, and bring her breakfast. I'll see you guys later." She said and left, a plate with food in hand.

Alora walked back up the stairs to the deck and headed towards their ship. "Mara, you up?", she asked once she got onto their ship.

Xiamara was still dead asleep on the boat, snuggled in the sheets. She looked like she was still dreaming. Alora sighed with a smile, she walked towards her friends and shook her gently.

"Mara, wake up. You missed breakfast, I put some aside for you." She said while shaking Xiamara awake. Xiamara's eyes shot open, "I MISSED WHAT?! WHAT TIME IS IT?!"

"Chill Mara, you just missed breakfast. Here, I set some aside for you." Alora then handed Xiamara a plate with pancakes, bacon, and egg. "Eat up, we got a long day ahead of us.", Alora said while getting up and spreading her wings.

"Oh...Thanks bestie!" Xiamara fixed her hair that looked like a storm went through it before eating. Xiamara had to rub her eyes twice, unsure if what she's seeing right now is real. "What the..."

"What? Forgot we have devil fruit powers now Mara?" Alora teased, her wings fluttering behind her.

"Sort of...Just not used to it ya know." Xiamara replied. "Oh- I just realized, we could ask Shanks to train us in haki Mara!" Alora said.

"Er...the thing is...will I be able to hold myself from sending him outer space..." Xiamara scratched her head.

"Please Mara?" Alora pleaded, looking towards her friend with puppy eyes. Xiamara squints her eyes at her bff, "...fine...". Alora then proceeds to hug Xiamara. "Thanks Mara! NOW COME ON, LET'S GO ASK SHANKS"

"WHAT?! RIGHT NOW? I DON'T WANNA SEE HIS FACE EARLY IN THE MORNING–!" Xiamara yelled out. Suddenly Alora and Xiamara disappeared with a pop.

Back with Shanks and the others, they had just finished breakfast when suddenly Alora and Ximara appeared out of thin air. They fell down in front of Shanks. "Ouch..." Xiamara rubs her butt because she fell on her ass.

"WHAA—?!" Shanks was bewildered at what just happened in front of him. "Alora? and—well if it isn't my favorite woman, Xiamara! Good to see you!"

"Ano daw?! Favorite woman??!" (Translation: What did he say?!) Xiamara turned to look at her friend with a face that clearly said 'wtaf'.

"Ako lang ba naririnig niyan?! Baka bingi na ako beh!" (Translation: Am I the only one who hears that?! I might already be deaf girl!) Alora said, her face also shocked at what Shanks just said.

Xiamara stood up and rolled up her sleeves, showing her biceps. She then raises up her fist, "YOU DAMN FOSSIL!!"

"FOSSIL?! I'M NOT THAT OLD!!" Shanks retorted. "MARA NO FIGHTING!" Alora shouted.

"Fine." Xiamara turns away, crossing her arms. Alora then turned to Shanks, "Sorry about that, I think that was part of my powers. Oh! And me and Mara have a request Shanks. Is that alright?"

"I see...What is your request?" He asks.

"Could you teach us Haki please?" Alora said to Shanks, bowing her head.

"Ah no need to bow! Of course I'll teach you! Haki huh? Never thought you would know that so soon." Shanks grins.

Xiamara was now seated on the ledge of the ship, staring at the sea. "What do you say Mara? Are you willing to join us in training?" Alora asks her friend.

"3 things. Sweets, rooms, peace. Is that a deal, Xiamara?" Shanks smirks, despite knowing each other for a short period of time he already knew what she wanted the most right now. Xiamara looks back, long platinum-blonde hair flowing through the wind. Locking eyes with Shanks as her striking purple eyes stare at him.

Xiamara got off the ledge and walked towards Shanks, she extended her left hand for a hand shake, "Deal!"




"Oh. I forgot you lost your left arm."

End notes:

Looks like Xiamara and Alora re going to train

Hope you enjoyed the chapter! 

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