Chapter 11 - Start of the Adventure

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Seven years later...Ace is 17, Luffy is 14, Xiamara is 18 and Alora is 16

Alora woke up early today and started to make a big breakfast for everyone. She got up from bed trying to fix her very messy hair. She's now grown taller but still shorter than Ace and Xiamara. Her once long black hair is now cut short, she now wears glasses courtesy of Makino who helped her when her eyesight started to become blurry.

She then changed out of her night clothes to a white long-sleeved button up blouse, putting on some high waisted black shorts that cover her thighs after. She then put on some high knee socks and her combat boots. She went over to the kitchen and started to make different dishes and desserts because today was a special day, today is when Ace will set sail.

"Everything stays right where you left it~ Everything stays but it still changes. Ever so slightly, daily, and nightly. In little ways, when everything stays~" (Everything Stays from Adventure Time) Alora sings to herself as she cooks.

Someone came up to the kitchen as a yawn escaped their lips. "Why are you cooking breakfast so early today?" a woman with flowy long platinum-blonde hair wearing a black tank top, denim shorts and white flats, she has matured into one beautiful lady.

"Don't you remember, Mara? Ace is leaving today, so I'm preparing a little feast and I made him a goodbye present weeks ago. We agreed to make our own little presents for Ace, remember?" Alora told her friend while handing her some tea.

"WHAT?! IT'S TODAY?!" Xiamara was now completely awake, looking at Alora with wide eyes. "This is why we prepare beforehand Mara." Alora chided her best friend. "Shoot...I forgot all about the present..." Xiamara sweat drops and grabs a cup of tea Alora prepared for her.

"Maybe you could give him a goodbye kiss instead, Mara. I'd say he'll like that, don't you think~~?" Alora teases Xiamara. Xiamara spits out her tea, "WHATTT?!?!!" she exclaims.

"Hahahaha! You're so easy to tease Mara!" Alora laughs at Xiamara. ara. "SHUT IT!" Xiamara retorted before finishing her tea. "I can't believe we've grown so fast in this world." She said to Alora as she stretched.

"Yeah... It's kinda nice and peaceful, we got to enjoy growing up and maturing this time." Alora says. "So true sis. Oh here comes the cry baby" Xiamara places his cup of tea down as Luffy enters the kitchen with a yawn.

"Morning Luffy!" Xiamara and Alora greeted Luffy. Luffy then takes a seat beside Xiamara. Alora walks up to him and sets down plates filled to the brim with food. "Enjoy you savages." Alora says while walking back to cook.

Luffy drooled at the sight of the food before quickly digging in. Xiamara chuckled at the sight of Luffy devouring the food as she rested her chin on her palm. "Slow down Luffy, you might choke–" Xiamara was cut off by Luffy choking.

Xiamara rushes to Luffy's side and smacks his back harshly. Luffy spits out a huge chunk of meat while Xiamara scolds him. Laughter can be heard from the kitchen door. "Awce!!!" Luffy calls out with his mouth full.

"Mornin Ace, come I made your favourites" Alora beckons Ace to sit down, her arms filled with plates of food Ace likes.

"Really? Thank you Lora!" Ace grins at Alora before digging in. "Those proper manners lessons from Makino really paid off huh?" Xiamara snickers.

"Shwust it!" Ace exclaims with a mouth full of food. Xiamara laughs at him before standing up, "Alright, I'll go fix the laundry real quick." Xiamara then went out of the kitchen.

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