Chapter 13 - It Activated?!

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Xiamara and Shanks were both in front of the dessert section as they both were having a stare down.

"No, I insist, you can get the last piece of the strawberry shortcake." Shanks said with a smile.

Xiamara looked at him, skeptical of his actions. "You sure..?"

"Yeah! Go on!" He said.

"Okay then..." Xiamara grabbed the last piece of cake, she took out a fork and was about to eat a piece of the cake until Shanks took a bite out of her fork.

"Mmmm! Delicious!" Shanks said. Xiamara snaps her head towards his direction, her form covered with a deadly aura as she had a shadow casted over her face.

"SHANKS!!!" Xiamara shouted out. At the exact time, the moonlight casted over her form like a spotlight as Xiamara's eyes glowed brightly. She clenched her fist which had a gray-ish force-field over it.

"DON'T EVER STEAL MY SWEETS!!" Xiamara punched Shanks' stomach. "BBFFFTTLEUGHH!!!" Shanks spat out.


Alora ate her fill and went to the deck to get away from the noise. She was always the shyer one of the two friends so she interacted less with strangers and mostly sticks to those she's comfortable with. Once she reached the deck she took a seat on the floor and leaned against the railings of the Red Force.

Alora grabbed her bag and opened it, she then took out the devil fruit she found a while ago and inspected it. 'It's really weird... Why does it have wings? All the devil fruits I saw in the anime never had wings or anything. Hmmm... Should I eat it?'

Alora stared at the devil fruit in her hand, contemplating whether she should eat it or not. 'On one hand I would lose my ability to swim... On the other hand it can help me survive the grand line...' She closed her eyes and leaned her head back against the railings. Alora stayed in that position for 2 minutes and opened her eyes again. "EH- I don't really swim anyways, plus I really don't wanna die on the grand line." She says to herself, and so she brought the devil fruit up to her face and took a bite.

"Ewww. They really do taste bad, blegh-" Alora stuck her tongue out. Suddenly she hears a crash coming from below deck. "WHAT WAS THAT? OMG MARA!!" Alora quickly stood up, grabbing her bag in the process and ran to the dining hall.

"MARA!! ARE YOU ALRIGHT??" Alora bursts into the dining hall, panting. She then sees a hole in the wall and Shanks laying in the middle of it. "Diyos ko po! Ano nangyari?" (Translation : Oh my God! What happened?)She asks while walking up to Shanks quickly. She sits down beside his head and puts it in her lap. "Are you alright Shanks?"

Xiamara was now sitting on top of a barrel, eating her strawberry shortcake while happily humming. Shanks was mumbling about something Alora can't understand. She holds his cheeks in her hands turning his head to face her, "Are you alright? Do you have a concussion? We should get that fixed, can someone help me please? You have a few scrapes also... Do you think you broke any bones? Shanks??"

The rest of the crew snickers and some sweat drops at the state of their captain. "This is why you never mess with a woman who has food, captain..." Lucky Roux said while snickering.

Shanks quickly shakes his head as he recovers. "AHHAHAHAH! That was one hell of a punch there...!" Shanks laughs before looking at Alora, "Thanks but I'm alright!" He gets up.

Alora also gets up, "What happened anyways? Are you sure you're alright? Let me treat the injuries, please?" She holds his arms looking at the small scrapes and wounds he got.

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