Special: Secret Meeting

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It was night time, the stars were shining bright in the sky. Everyone in the bandit's hut was asleep except for a certain black haired little girl. She was quietly packing some snacks and other things into a basket.

'First aid, check. Sandwiches and cookies, check. Water bottles, check. Books, check. Scarf, check. Gift? Check. Okay... I'm all set. Let's go!'

She quietly left the room she was in, she ensured her steps were quiet as she sneaked out of the house. She was nearly at the door when a voice called out to her, "Alora?"

Alora stiffened and winced as she got caught, she slowly turned around to face the direction of the voice. "Hi Ace..." she smiled nervously.

"Where are you going Lora? It's so late?" Ace said, yawning and rubbing his eyes. "I was... uhm.. I was..." Alora mumbled the rest of her sentence.

"What?" Ace tilted his head, "Speak up Lora". Alora looked away from Ace and messed around with her fingers. "I was gonna visit Sabo..." she said in a low tone.


"I promise I'll be careful! I'll totally be sneaky, sneaky, I won't get caught! Really!" I-"

Ace then pats her head. "Lora, it's fine. Stay safe, don't worry I won't tell anyone. Tell Sabo I said hi"

Alora smiles at Ace and nods, "Salamat Kuya!" (translation: thank you big brother!)

Alora then leaves the house and walks to gray terminal. Once she got there she stuck to the shadows as she moved to the entrance of Goa kingdom. She made sure to avoid all contact with other people as she made her way. Once Alora got to the entrance she reached into her basket and pulled out a makeshift grappling hook.

She swung the rope around and threw it into the air. Once the hook attached itself, Alora tugged it to make sure it was secure. After checking she began to scale the wall, it took her a good 10 minutes to get to the top.

Once she got to the top she took a short break. "Okay... water break!" Alora told herself as she brought out a water bottle to drink. After around 5 minutes Alora continued her endeavor, she climbed down the wall and immediately once again hid in the shadows

'What did Sabo's house look like again in the anime...' Alora thought to herself as she ran through the streets and alleys. She looked at the houses she passed by trying to identify which one Sabo was residing in. It took her a while of roaming before she spotted that familiar house from the anime.

'Found it!' Alora smiled to herself as she started to climb the wall separating her and the house. It took her a while but she finally got over the wall, once she got to the ground she checked on her basket if the contents were still intact. Luckily, it was.

"Whoo... thank god the food is still intact" Alora sighed and started to scale the house. Once she got to the roof, she tied a rope to a secure thing on the roof and tied the other end of the rope around her waist. She then jumped down and went around checking each window to find which was Sabo's.

'Ok... not this, nope, found it!' Alora cheered internally as she saw Sabo's figure in the room, he was on the other side of the room doing something. She then proceeded to knock on his window.

Sabo, who was minding his own business, turned around very quickly at the sound of the knocking. His jaw dropped at the sight of Alora who was waving at him while hanging on a rope.

"Alora?! What are you doing here?!" Sabo exclaimed, rushing to the window and opening it to let Alora inside. "Hi Sabo!" she said to him smiling. Once she got inside she gave Sabo a hug. "I missed you Sabo, the others do too. We were worried about you" Alora mumbled. Sabo blushed a bit but smiled and returned the hug.

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⏰ Last updated: May 09 ⏰

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